>Go to market today >Go to low quality meat section >Some fatty hoarding low quality meats >Tell him the meat is shit and hes literally paying for shit >Fatty guy gets autism brakedown >Starts screeching literal soy memes >Tell him if he really enjoys real meat go to hes local butcher >REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEICANTPAYSOMUCHFORMEAT >He has literally over 100e worth of processed meat like grounded beef hams and fake sausages in hes cart >Watch him leave almost crying
Daily reminder for Russia to nuke us and then annex us.
You wanna know how autistic Finnish meat production is? Here let me tell you.
There percentages for grounded meat here which tells how much fat the product has.
10% is the best fat amount and 25% is the worst
10% meat is 4euros 25% meat is 2euros
Yes thats right. The same processed shitty pig/beef mix that uses all the low quality part. Is waged how good it is by the amount fat it has. That percentages literally tells you the quality the meat is. The lower it is the better it is. Even though its all just same fucking meat from the same fucking factory, from the same fucking animal.