Anybody know her name

anybody know her name
anybody have more pics

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>using the bible to cover up your naked vag except you aren't even doing that right
i blame r*ddit

/leftypol/ hates reddit
Jow Forums hates the r/the_donald colony that is /ptg/

Attached: begone thot.png (556x511, 314K)

i mean to say that /leftypol/ hates the r/socialism subreddit

by all rights reddit ruins everything it touches

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Where's her penis?

imagine what she will look like when she turns 30

>horrible tattoos
>pretends to cover nudity
>mocking your own religion by being a slut
>pretends to be politically involved to get attention
if there's another pic hope it's in an obituary

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Stupid attention whores

I'd probably hate everything about her to be honest, but damn I desperately want to eat her out

Wow, she is so f*cking BASED! I wish I could find a non-degenerate nationalist gf just like her! MAGA! Does she have a patreon???

Attached: maga soyboy.png (1200x800, 18K)

>arm sleeve tattoo
>online thot
It's like poetry.

>holy bible
supports religious values, she's okay in my book degenerate lefties! #MAGA

She looks inbred.

>Jow Forums doesn't know about her penis

>Jow Forums hates the r/the_donald colony

Jow Forums IS the r/the_donald colony, that board is a reddit enclave on Jow Forums.

wow! a woman who likes trump! wow mommy thats really bast please have sex with me i havent seen another woman in 5 years and i blame obama

She doesn't look Arabian to me.

Attached: Consanguinity.jpg (640x452, 55K)

>blackid when

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why would you want more pics of a cow

you forgot to add she has the face of a gargoyle

Probably one for whom the phrase attached was made

can anyone be so yummy as her

also the blasphemous cunt

Attached: index.jpg (268x188, 9K)

>she has a based black Trump supporting bf

Attached: typical alt-right female.jpg (987x720, 169K)

She slightly looks like a hillbilly tho

go back to reddít

only a cuck would let another man cum inside his sister

>woman literally takes a photo with nigger
the state of incels

>using her pussy to take blacks out of the plantation
congressional medal Mr. President

She might be "Katherine Donovan", but that's such a common name I can't tell.

Ah yes lol
Racist nazi reddit
Kys dumbass

that's specifically /ptg/, /sg/ is the Old Guard and Jow Forums overwhelmingly sides with them

reddit is loud and obnoxious though

She's confirmed BLACKED tho

People who actually get their opinions swayed by random e-whores need to have their brains dissected because there is no way this isn't a symptom of some neurotoxin causing extreme brain damage

women have been political tools of recruitment since 5ever, you don't see the IDF/mossad making inroads?

Attached: alt right female lol.jpg (1200x1194, 175K)

and who the fuck cares you incel faggot? She's a woman you'll never in a million years have a chance with or even meet for fucks sake. You whiny faggots are the most insufferable people on earth

go to the fucking gym, clean yourself up and maybe women will want to fuck you

remind me why are women allowed internet access again?

So we can have amateur nudes

fair enough
forgot about that

Why do I find Juice females so Haat?
I literally want to fertilize all
not even shitposting

so they can do their yappin' online and give us quiet

Is that a tranny

Someone should really use this board to make a study on cultural/international fetishes.

I want to spic her desu

i'd rather see a heterosexual version of that study


absolute state of the alt-shart

I'm talking about the way posters here fetishize women of certain nationalities


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Hows things at reddít nowadays?

I am a Pashtun Paki, our ethnicity is Afghan
There is this legend we have, an oral tradition generation to generation
Pashtuns are the Bani Isra eel
believe me even before I had heard of this I found Juice women to be very very attractive
there is only one exception, Scar Johanson
I dont like the more Euro version of you folk
BUT the real actual Juice type, whether Ashky or Sephard

I dont wanna say it but it almost feels genetic

also if it were not for the last 60/70 years around creation of your country Muslims and Juice would still be bro like in the past


Attached: 92f309a333fc3616807754161931d6fe72e10889.jpg (512x323, 32K)

I admit, I have a thing for Paki girls, your theory must be true

Attached: at last.png (227x191, 6K)

Literally BTFO'd by a stupid comment on the internet. Look in the mirror, bud.

>Paki girls,
aber du bist israel?

Saying this cuz I was abroad (UK), a few friends were doing that DNA kit test
I did one too out of the lulz
What do you think I got?
Persian Juice/ Caucasus/ Ashkenaasy ?!!!

made me really think about that legend

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>I know you are but what am I?

I struck a nerve huh, you little incel faggot?

>holding a bible whilst naked to cover your vagina

wtf is wrong with people

when you need to pander to both christian conservatives and degenerate athiests

So this is what you find white girl sexy as?

I would say she looks like 2/10

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saddest thing is people fall for it. Truly the worst people