Who here /donateplasma 'n' trade/ ?

Who here /donateplasma 'n' trade/ ?

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dont do that bro

>giving your DNA to jews

Why would I donate to let Chinese make out dated TVs with it

This biological form disgusts me.

How much do they pay you?

Get the fuck out of here r9k fag

that's ghetto, you should never donate plasma unless you're about to be forced to live on the streets.

Spellcasters will be using your blood.

In my country you donate blood for free but also receive a blood insurance in case you need infusion.

Sure beats selling blood but paying 200$ for a doctor appointment..

I just started doing it for the first time this month user. I'm inbetween jobs and needed some money to help bridge the gap. A new donation place opened in my area the beginning of this month and they emailed me a coupon to receive $500 total if I went 8 times before the end of April. I've gone 3 times so far. I go again tomorrow for the 4th time.

When I factor in gas and tolls to drive there 8 times will cost me $114, so I'll be making $396 for doing it.

what's wrong with donating plasma?

Where do you find places where they pay for your blood? Do they accept blood from sedentary/overweight NEETs? I have a rare blood-type, will I get more or less because of demand?

Also for anons who donate sperm, all of the above questions apply. I've heard of sperm donors getting $500 per sample. HOW THE FUCK DO I GET IN ON THIS? Do I have to get Jow Forums and successful before donating sperm?

I would only see intelligent chad tier males getting that kind of money

someone shop the spherical lady onto the stress ball

Well done OP!

Google. You're actually paid more if you're fatter (more to donate). No

Nobody is going to want a child with your NEET dna.

I do it and make 400 a month. was buying ethereum all last summer when it was 300.

sold at 800

I stumbled across the below site when searching. It lists different companies that do it.


Then I went to google maps, and typed in "donate plasma for money". All of the places in my area showed up on google maps. I read the reviews of them all, and I started going to the one that had the least shittiest reviews (they all have shitty reviews).

Then I created an account on the website of the company that I planned on going to a week before going. During that week before, they emailed me a coupon to make the payouts higher than normal.

Without the coupon they emailed me, I would only be getting paid around $200 for 8 visits, instead of the $500 that I am getting.

They don't tell you if they are going to email you a coupon or not before you go, you just have to sit and wait to see if they do. If they do, then go donate and collect that cash. If they don't send you a coupon for higher payments, then it's probably not worth your time.

headed there right now actually lol

make 30 bucks then 50 bucks for the 2nd time in a week.

80 dollar bonus if i get 8 in a month

I have only ever heard of hospitals paying for blood when there was an acute shortage and they need your type badly.

For sperm donations, they usually only accept chad types. We're talking highly successduly, highly fit, with no history of family illnesses.

Stuff like diabetes, heart disease, mental illness would probably get you turned away.

What company do you go to user?

I take two medications for mental illness, which I disclosed to them. They were fine with it.

All they really care about is that you don't have hepatitis or HIV.

so does this have any permanent health effects?

Not bad, then. Would expect more scrutiny given the fact that most guys will gladly jerk it for free.

csl plasma-

i was going to a ghetto one in the hood but a nice one opened in my university area. really clean and nice.

my mom actually donated blood all the time and told her to check it out. everyone there was so nice they got her a birthday card when she couldnt donate since she turned 65.

its not bad. i think i pull in 26 an hour tax free.

takes just over an hour total (not really a line unlike the ghetto place)

you get a debit card and use it or get out cash

i actually thought it would be cool to ICO a plasma place and just pay in crypto lol

donating plasma is heavily linked to cancer, it's a scam and they make way more off you than you get

blood donations is linked to cancer but less so

the laymen explanation is that the part of your body has to work harder to produce it, "uses itself up" and the stress eventually causes cancer

>i actually thought it would be cool to ICO a plasma place and just pay in crypto lol

Nice idea. What would you call your plasma company?

I'm going to Biolife Plasma. All the existing ones in the area are full of shitheads (from what I've read on google reviews), but a new one opened up April 1st in a nice area. I've been going to the new one. It's pretty empty every time I go.

Takes me an hour and fifteen minutes every time I go. They always tell me I'm dehydrated. I don't care. It still works and I get paid. I see other people get done in 30 to 45 minutes. I guess they have fast blood.

You're not selling blood you retard you're selling plasma.

>donating plasma is heavily linked to cancer
That's bull shit. The only reason it would correlate it because of the number of low iq poor fags donating who would get cancer anyway

More like donate plasma and brag about it on biz. Fucking faggot

Thanks anons. I'm currently 6'3 230 and was formerly Jow Forums but fell off the wagon after going cold turkey on test/dbol last year and I'm just skinnyfat atm. How much do you estimate I could make per month at my current stats?

Also why don't you just put your energy into finding a better job so you don't have to sell yourself for money.

According to the thread you'll be lucky to make $30/hour. I'm making $47 for using my brain, how about you start using yours.

>they all had shitty reviews
>go to one with /least/ shit reviews
>allow a place with shit reviews to jab shit into my arm and harvest my body
You got nuts kid

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>they all had shitty reviews
>go to one with /least/ shit reviews

I was speaking relatively by saying "least shitty reviews", because the place I'm going to is brand new (no reviews). Most people won't be able to go to a new facility, so I was trying to advice them to go to one with the least shitty reviews.

Also, from what I've read, a lot of people who donate are whiners and complainers, and they bitch about things that shouldn't be an issue. So a place with the least amount of shitty reviews could actually be fine to go to, it's just that Leroy and Shaniqua got upset about something that really isn't something to complain about, and then they went on google reviews and spouted off a long winded complaint in ebonics that is not accurate information.

Plasma is a blood component you brainlet

I once worked at a call center with some trailer pixie who donated plasma AND bought scratch tickets.

I made $50 doing this last year at "Grifols", I used the money to buy Persona 5.

Don't do it too often or a scar will develop, those are thick gauge needles.

I donate platelets to cancer patients coz it gives me the warm fuzzies, for free too. You amerimutts will privatise anything kek

Or you could do both. Some of us are not that squeamish, plus it goes to sick and injured people.

Wow.......somebody has daddy issues..........and they get upset when other people don't live life the same way that they do.

Hey OP I used to do this during college for extra cash at CSL too (Columbus?)
So many literal fucking crack heads. It's not worth it f you don't get the bonus so make sure you stay Hydrated with low blood pressure so they don't refuse you. They used to have the bonus system way better where you got a small bonus on every other donation but the Jews saw it fit to make it one large bonus on the 8th donation instead. Also, if you do this habitually you'll get a scar and people will think you're a heroin junkie.

you cuck

LOL Fucking poor ass plebs

I'd rather donate sperm

>closest place to sell plasma is 1hr away
Fuck this sucks. EZ money for something I do for free anyway.

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I know it's not like the Jews are drinking your blood, but something feels wrong about selling your own blood

Ain't nobody want that basement dwelling neet sperm.

The place I go is 45 minutes away. The gas and tolls cost me $13 per trip. What makes it worth it is the emailed coupon I got for creating an account on their site.I wasn't going to go, but then a week after creating an account they emailed me a coupon to get higher payments.


i just got back plasma bros. 30 bucks. put it into link?

it's ilegal to sell plasma here, you can only give it away so fuck the jews im not donating shit

>start a /bloodbank/ general
>sell blood to desperate NEETs for shitcoins

since when do neets buy blood?

Jesus, how poor do you have to be do this shit?

You'd have to pay me $5000 just to give blood.


i've donated whole blood many times. saved a lot of lives. makes me feel pretty useful. I'm O- which is the best type to donate

U-u ok senpai?

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aids and trade. no thanks


No one wants your disgusting genes.

I can't donate blood/plasma. It comes out too slowly, and the technicians have a problem with that.

Thanks just longed 100k AIDS

what they don't know wont hurt them

No one gets aids from donating plasma. Quit with this sorry fud. They throw away everything after it's finished

I used to donate blood for food when I had financial troubles