What the fuck is their problem?
What the fuck is their problem?
>What the fuck is their problem?
they are spaniards
they border fr*Nchsoys
I know that terrible feeling
High unemployment rate
almost as high as your suicide rate.
almost as high as your murder rate
They're trying to mimic "franquism" to make the rich richer in a time were people take free healthcare and other social policies for granted. Ot's going to blow up, if the EU doesn't fall before we're going to get kicked out of it before 2050.
Sick of Germans stealing all the sunbeds.
Jews LARPing as Iberians
not enough islam
jewish anathema
socialism, the abolition of slavery
it's people
dunno but they are unusually angry in relation to the amount of sunlight they receive
too many spaniards
plain and simple, everything else is fine
>Sick of Germans stealing all the sunbeds.
look who is talking
Everything. This pile of shit needs another war if it wants to be kept together.
No antieuropean sentiment against the fucking imperialistic Germany, feminist, old people who have all the properties and leech to the young, sexual degenerates and third-world immigrants. Plus leftards and regional nationalist scum.
Only if Isabella and Ferdinand returned...
>Only if Isabella and Ferdinand returned...
I find it sad that the most competent rule spain had not only was merely decent but was also 500 years ago.
Charles I and Philip II, the kings at the highest point of Spain, ruined and exhausted Castile. Only Philip V and Charles III of the Bourbon House were minimally decent, the rest were just terrible. Ferdinand VII was by far the worse. And every president we had in democracies sucked. So yeah, really sad, it also reflects how shitty is the Spanish society.
>the kings at the highest point of Spain
that's Philip IV of Spain I think, but he also maried his cousin that give birth to Charles II
>What the fuck is their problem?
you are the problem, kraut
Not really though, Philip III and IV used validos to rule, and during the reign of Philip IV 1640 happened, bye Iberian Union, Catalan Revolt, losses in Europe... In that moment we stop being the most powerful empire of Europe and gave that to France.
franco's dead
almost as high as your mountains
oh wait