Good time to enter or wait for drop? Mainnet should be within next 6 weeks. Thoughts/opinions?
If your portfolio is not at least 30% VEN your not gonna make it
thanks user
PS it’s you’re not your
$500 EYO
>Meanwhile Jow Forums would rather throw their money at some fat fuck philosophy major because memes
Hey heyyyy heyyyy
We're all gonna make it
Those who know, know. See you on the flip side.
why the fuck aren't they partnering with pharma companies? literally one of the most important things that can be counterfeited are drugs
They have been in contact with large American corporations and have many projects/partnerships under NDA. This was their response when asked about pharma.
Sold after the initial pump after the two announcements, trying to flip. I think I was too early, FOMOing in, probably.
mmmmm got my X-Node locked up.
See you on mars, Ven bros.
>PS it’s you’re not your
Jesus fuck you're retarded. I bet your mother didn't even want to keep you.
16.6k VEN here. Will I make it lads?
checked. you will make it.
which island you buyin brother?
Who else /thunderboy/ here?
you have to go back.