Which of you autists is on antidepressants?

Where my AD brahs at? Whats your go to pill

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I have been eating about 12 kalms per day. Some shitty herbal thing. They stopped my daily, disabling anxiety attacks, lamo.

Thanks, crypto.

Lexapro is a fucking miracle drug

10MG stops my anxiety attacks, feels fucking good man.

a combination of lsd + cbd + regular exercise

>taking (((anti)))depressants
kek kill ur self

i just self medicate with weed and occasionally 5HTP and Semax

I know it's supposed to take time to kick in, but I got brain zaps the first night trying to sleep. Helped me get through a really hard time

top kek that's for dogs


Atarax for mild anxiety, diazepam for panic attacks, 5htp suplements and weed.
Never fucked with ssris and I don't plan to, unless you mean MDMA

celexa for depression and risperidone for my paranoia/anxiety.

Is there anyone here with ADD/ADHD that can recommend anything? My psych is being a pussy and put me on 10mg of strattera which isn't doing shit.

>Weed + kratom

Best combination ever

>using brain crutch
How many of you on psych meds are also gay? Like every gay guy I know is on something.

200mg of modafinil daily. Nothing can beat it.

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go psych shopping for one that isnt a bitch and will give you what you want

not worth it at this point, it's shitty time consuming work doc shopping. Besides, I know for sure I'll be able to wear him down because that's how I got on celexa. I'm just looking for recommendations for when I go in for my appointment next week, I'd prefer to have something that actually helps me focus for finals at the end of this semester.

I just smoke weed. No worries.

70mg vyvanse and 20mg IRs. anyone been getting mallinckrodt brand instead of the barr/auro? definetely dont smack as hard as the orange or pink yummies

25MG Lexapro daily and Xanax whenever I need it plus I exercise 6days per week. At least I don't want to kms anymore (sometimes I still think about it though)

10mg strattera is nothing lol and not supposed to have any effects, it's only making your body get used to it so you don't kys on 40mg. he'll just increase your dosage for a while. also implies that he doesn't trust you that much.

prozac and concerta

life changing


just smoke weed nightly before bed or ingest it however you please. put on some good music and close your eyes. depression is a condition that you can get medicinal thc for in most states

how much effort does it take to get a script for something like vyvanse? like how many therapy sessions or whatever must one do. ive never even been to a mental health doc, just dealt with this shit on my own

I work out and cause natural chemical reactions that lead to feelings of satisfaction
instead of living a sedentary lifestyle that goes against biology and filling myself with chemicals that trick my brain into rewarding me for nothing.

Yeah its fucking great right. I am on 20mg and love it. Also you should do the DNA testing on 23andme or mydna and then run the results through prometheus to check for DNA related predispositions.

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Love reading this, I came back from bad times with a similar approach.

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I stopped anti depressants after smoking DMT and so you should user.

Been on Wellbutrin for about a week. It's like a miracle.

Why? How old are you?

I fucking loved Modafinil until I started getting a rash that kept coming back in the same spot, redder and more painful each time

Made me gain like 40 pounds. Luckily I started bodybuilding at that time

>utilizing antidepresants aka badamphetamine

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None. Drugs are for unfit numales

My brain is my bitch. I dont need no drugs to calm me

Zoloft did the trick for me however I still need to do shit every day or the anexity comes back

Go straight to psychiatrist or pcp and u can get it quickly

Fair point, when I'm doing nothing (aka not working out, not making progress in my life in some way etc.) I start to feel depressed and filled with anxiety and sometimes think of kms. When you realize why you're getting anxiety and mild depression you can conquer it without being on drugs your entire life.

wellbutrin started driving me mad after ~4 months. i stopped cold turkey and swore off anti depressants; i'd rather just fucking deal with the depression lol

Wellbutrin made me hyperfocused and ultra smart but I couldn't sleep more than 4 hours and had annoying rashes. At some point I started to have hair loss, so I decided to quit.

Then I shifted to concerta 18 mg and all is good.