Romance languages

It’s universally agreed that the Spanish is the most relevant Romance language, but usually French is considered the second most relevant.

Why is French considered more relevant than Portuguese when there are more first language Portuguese speakers?

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My guess would be that it's because a relevant country speaks it.

more countries speak french than portuguese

Think about which countries speak portuguese.
There's your answer

Brazil is bigger and more relevant than any French speaking country

>More relevant
We aren't

But more people speak Portuguese

A handful of African countries speak French

There’s also the history of ‘French in every court’, and for a while France was the biggest land power in Europe.

Not as a first language though. They all know french like you know English

>Brazil is more relevant than France

remove brazil and portuguese speakers would make up 6% of romance languages. not to mention france is more relevant and french speaking african countries are increasing fast in population

I might be wrong but the spread of French in Africa is starting to supplant many of the native African languages. Maybe in North Africa there’s an exception because of how widely spoken Arabic is, but that’s my impression

I think most maghrebis who immigrate to France already speak french though

If this included “fluency in language”, French would surpass Portuguese. Kind of misleading

France is a developed country with nuclear missiles and Portugal is just North Africa-tier shithole.

Brazil is a country that have high homicide rates.

And, no Portuguese literature, Portuguese is not academic at all.

I think that's because sub saharan countries have a shitload of different ethnies with shitty dialects, so french serves as a - you guessed it - lingua franca

I like Spanish. It's pronunciation is similar to Latin and easy to pronounce.

I also like Italian. French and Portuguese is skittle strange

French culture and history is far better known and respected than Portuguese or Brazilian

It’s easy to like when you don’t have to hear it everyday like we do. Personally I think it sounds fucking gross

Non-latin speakers confund portuguese with spanish

Romanian is the weirdest Romance language. What Romance language is closest to it? Italian?

Because France is relevant. Portuguese isn't an official language of NATO, UN, IMF, and it doesn't serve as a lingua franca anywhere, whereas French is still a language of trade and politics in a large part of Africa and the EU.

French is dead language. There is no economic benefit learning a shit language. Unless you want to understand wakfu.

French was an important country and it was a lingua franca in the past. Our earliest writers all spoke french in the past. It was a sign of being cultured.

French is projected to equal Mandarin in number of speakers by 2050. Stop being so complacent.

>no Portuguese literature
Fernando Pessoa
Eça de Queiros

Machado de Assis
Guimarães Rossa
Graciliano Ramos
Jorge Amado
Clarice Lispector

>Fernando Pessoa
>Eça de Queiros

>Machado de Assis
>Guimarães Rossa
>Graciliano Ramos
>Jorge Amado
>Clarice Lispector

We did do a pretty bad job of spreading our literature worldwide.

It's never too late.

I know. Working on it.

I'm PT, but French is more useful.

Saramago has a nobel prize
Fernando pessoa is well known
>described as one of the most significant literary figures of the 20th century and one of the greatest poets in the Portuguese language. He also wrote in and translated from English and French.

Camões wrote an epic. The language is often referred as "Camões' language"

>It is often considered to be the Brazilian equivalent of James Joyce's Ulysses.[2][3][4] In a 2002 poll by the Bokklubben World Library, "Grande Sertão: Veredas" was named among the best 100 books of all time.[5]

Machado by your own countryman:

Não caiam na bait, meus nobres compatriotas.
Vejam só quem fez o post, um coreano. Este país, sim, é desprovido de qualquer alta cultura literária.
Ocorre que como o paiséco fabricado passou a ser relevante há algumas décadas, o sujeito acha-se com propriedade para opinar daquilo que não tem conhecimento algum.

Qualquer um com o mínimo de cultura conhece o mínimo da nossa literatura pra dar um namedropping básico com Camões e Machado de Assis. Já a Coreia, o que eles tem no mesmo patamar? Nada.

Historically France, and the French language has had a far greater impact on the world than Portuguese.

Portuguese for example has never, at any time, been the lingua franca. French has. In fact, it wasn't even that long ago, in historical terms, that English overtook French.

Even German is more historically important than Spanish or Portuguese. And with Germans ruling the EU, it's arguable still more important than Spanish or Portuguese.

Romanian is way out there as far as Romance languages are concerned. But yes, I believe it's most similar to Italian (using lexical similarity as the metric).

Not by first language. You think french will last long in North Africa where Arabic and English are way more important

Yes, that's actually the point. French is largely displacing the regional languages in former French colonies as more and more Africans are born native French speakers.
