I need guns to feel manly

>I need guns to feel manly

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>Real men use fists to defend themselves

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I don't need them to feel manly. I need them to shoot brown criminals that want to steal my shit and rape my wife and kids.

>he actually lives in a nigger zone
haha hi cletus
Here in Alaska, on the other hand, we just use them to hunt

you have a wife and kids?

I'm 6'4 and built like a brick shithouse. No need for a gun when you can heem everyone else ITT

Nah, i just really like hunting/camping.

Hahaha I've been to Anchorage, you're infested too.

The criminals also have guns. They wouldn't if you imposed strict gun control.

nice try, I live in a village west of Fairbanks, only whites and natives here

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*khabibs you*

>what are knife/acid attacks

why are people so hell bent on taking away guns

There are so many illegal guns floating around that it wouldn't stop shit.

>Real men defend themselves

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i need guns so other people wont shoot me

>There are so many illegal guns
Could lax gun laws and a lack of responsibility on the part of gun owners as a result of this have caused this? No, never.

Fake IP/ and flag. Why do you fags wanna be us so badly. Don't hate us cause you anus.

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>he lives in a shithole

>they wouldn't
What a retard.

He's not faking, he's a self-hating narcissist who thinks all Americans except for himself are mutts

>Real men don't cut off their penis
It's like everyone is a nazi patriarchist.

Most of the criminals aren't legally allowed to have guns anyway. They only have then because gun control had already failed. If law breakers are gone have guns anyway, why would you stop law followers from having guns?

>country is such a shithole the only way to stop criminals is to give everyone a gun

You are more likely to accidentally hurt or kill yourself, your wife or child with the gun than you ever are to dedend yourself with it.

This meme seems to have cooled down in the ol' USA lately