Post images that make you proud to be an Asian

Nips were fucking badass

Attached: Leonard_Siffleet.jpg (440x583, 44K)


Attached: 30_aprelya.jpg (1000x625, 469K)

was he asian?


proxy again .....


this site is full of proxy fag

Attached: 1524412287674.jpg (2017x1625, 1.41M)

You are fucking proxy bitch

Attached: main-qimg-5c951a594a8b282c110756dddc223364-c.jpg (500x382, 36K)

Attached: 9843a6ac6ba0c458b33f701878544cea.jpg (294x480, 31K)

you !!
proxy again .....

and proxy ....

this site is really full of proxy fag

Attached: anglo with asian heads.jpg (874x1279, 393K)

I am not a proxy but you are Mr. David english teacher

evil anglo
asian century is coming, you will pay for your crimes

Attached: asian_century.jpg (774x356, 212K)


guess is not truth.

hopefully japan goes authoritarian again

Attached: Iberian superior genes.png (327x374, 16K)

Being an Asian is what to be ashamed of.
Pride in being an Asian sounds like pride in going bankrupt.

Only offended uneducated scum can be proud of such things.

>those bunch of "citation needed"
>obviously its some negligible 20 ~ 30 pirates
>"we beat 1000 samurais!!! spain stronk!!!!"



japs were shit in the 1500s, portugal even had japanese slaves in those times


Seasonal side job of poor fishermen who managed to arm with blunt blades, rusted knives or clubs.

Attached: 倭寇.jpg (500x368, 75K)

Why do I have to be proud of being one of a random ethnic group/race?
t. A Jew

They had few hundrends of slaves, totally irrelevant.
Meanwhile iberians got enslaved by millions by asiats. (arabs)

nah, it was like 200,000 iberians that got enslaved, it was millions for total europeans which included balkans, caucasus etc, and they weren't arabs, they were ottomans (turks)

>the disgusting chink is almost as tall as the superior anglo on his knees
bug peope

Why didn't you post the original?

Attached: 1513183689554.jpg (800x1183, 161K)

all whites are our enemies

t. yellow Chinese