Do you love Japan?

If you say you don't you're a baka >

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I want to bash your head in and eat your innards, you disgusting ape.

fucking animal

i want to punch every jap animal in his stupid face

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I'll fry your fucking brains for dinner, frenchie.

Same, it's a shame that the Americans didn't finish the job they had started

wtf that webm

But she is korean

Please love japan more

Attached: poland and japan.png (1000x1000, 1.09M)

But he is indonesian

my two favorite countries

Zitto animale

thanks desu

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Please love japan more

agreed love japan like we love white cock

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Yes! We need big fat white cock more!!

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japanese men are just made for big white cock desu

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D'fuck is right with japanese girls' hair. It glitters (?) awesome. Why our white women have no such?

Don't get carried away! Jaaaaaap
You should be die..さようなら

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I like anime, does it count?

Op zainichi spoted

Fuck u weeb

fuck u to

Don't be racist Jap

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because japanese girls are superior and are deserving of white cock

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I want to find love in Japan

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Don't acting cocky !
I was even cuter than you !

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I don't love japan but respect.

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Do you like Jap Princess Aiko? Jap Princess Kako lives in UK. She is a buzz, but you can use her


Let's make love with her
She's a comfort woman

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respect me with your white cock

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But I'm girl...

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gas all moe fags

thats not very nice of you ahmed

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Those are all Chinese girls you inbred.

i love you, i want your big white cock in me

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that anime was some major cringe


I will fucking kill every Jap monkey with my bare hands.

I will crack every single one of your skulls and drink your fucking CSF while gorging out your eyes and shoving them down your throats. I will rip your hearts from your chests and put it up your arses, you soul-less gooks.

Can I just be pleased by their look without any background thoughts ?


too bad you cant even get to japan ahmed
失礼 desu

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>too bad you cant even get to japan ahmed
Oh believe me, I fucking can and nothing is stopping me, you flat-faced jap fuck.

sure come here right now and make a post here

Yes Japan makes my bepis hard

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you make my penis hard user

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yes please tie me up

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キタ━━━(´∀`)´・ω・`);゚Д゚)・∀・) ̄ー ̄)´_ゝ`)゚皿゚)∵)TΔT)ΦдΦ)#-_-)~ハ~)゚з゚)ё)≧。≦)°.Å)゙・Ω・)^σ^)=゚ω゚)ノ━━━!!

based tesak
is he still in prison?

Yes he is

My country has a lot of problems including what i am concerned with and what i am indifferent with.
But this country is comfy and lovely to me, overall.

please attempt to contain edge

his flags a fucking sword he cant

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