When you realized that alts have no intrinsic value?

They're just vaporware pump & dump.
If you notice back at the end of November every shitcoins crashed and pumped to its ATH.
Right now evey shitcoin dumped to the floor the same day and pumped even if they had no fundamentals news to back the pump.

This shit is pure speculation.

Attached: Ciara-Horan-37[1].jpg (1080x720, 194K)

someone has to tell Tone Vays to get off Jow Forums

Nobody cares.

This is why you hold LTC, BTC and ETH.

Some have real use cases like (unironically) REQ and LINK

But they need to show their worth

>When did you realize that a virtual token with no real world uses and without any sort of backing was traded only for its hype of gaining value quickly?
Jow Forums in a nutshell. This is what you get when you alienate anyone who isn't a plebbitor.

>Some have real use cases like (unironically) REQ and LINK
i fucking love you bizlets, never change.

Attached: 1499658173715.jpg (624x351, 28K)

Heavy bags..

Most of them yes, I agree. You have to be narrow minded to think BTC will rise more than certain alts during the coming bull run.

You're like a chimp whooping at fire. Transcend your panic and try to understand what you're looking at.


buy vivo you idiots

>When did u realize altcoins were worthless.

Around the time litecoin was created which was a copy paste of Bitcoin more or less.

The rise of bitcoin to $1200 in December 2013 and the long bear market down to $160 when nobody had any interest in Bitcoin or altcoins.

Then Bitcoin started rising again: altcoins were created and were desperately shilled by coping retards who sold their btc or never bought any.

Then tax threads started appearing when Bitcoin took off and enough retards had entered the space; as if Bitcoin was created so that wise, early adopters with foresight should pay the IRS so single moms and Shakira's ten niglets can live the good life on your taxes.

This board went from calling Bitcoin dead and worthless to endless altcoin spam and worrying about taxes.

Attached: YourFuture.png (1555x311, 42K)

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.
>tfw went from $2000 to $500,000 in one year because I started in feb 2017
Ohhh noooo it's vaporware oh deaaaar it's speculation, bad investment!


Buy ary and gvt fag


Value cannot be intrinsic. Value is a subjective property.

Altcoins are just as capable if not even more capable than Bitcoin for being an accepted store of value and a hedge against fiat.

Many alts are not worth touching, correct. So fucking what? There are great, up and coming projects in this space, and a low efficiency market that you can easily beat.




buy vivo