Hey guys, I’m rather new to the crypto currency thing, and I don’t browse Jow Forums much...

Hey guys, I’m rather new to the crypto currency thing, and I don’t browse Jow Forums much. I was thinking of buying Ethereum because it looks to me like it’s bottomed out from the surge in January. Just seeking advice pls no bully. Should I buy?

Attached: 1E523D5E-9AE6-4BD6-B26F-8BD093FB8F99.jpg (750x669, 45K)

Other urls found in this thread:

trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&q=coin telegraph

no. tron and ripple are way better investments

>he's way late
>they want him to hodl his bags

trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&q=coin telegraph

Attached: bagholding.jpg (460x287, 36K)

Yes friend buy the #2 coin I'm sure you'll become extraordinarily wealthy.

If it is long term you can buy. It is really low risk. Bitcoin still doesn't have smart contracts and Ethereum is Bitcoin of smart contracts.

I’m not really sure what this meme is or what you’re trying to say, I don’t browse this board
I’m not a high volume trader, I’m not going to become very wealthy regardless.
I’m thinking of letting it sit a few months. I’m really only trying to get better return than I would on checking account interest. Is that a good time scale?

lol why would it want the actual useful application of cryptocurrency

It is a good time to buy. Obviously can't tell you if you'll make money or not though.
He was showing Google trends that illustrate the falling interest in cryptocurrency related searches

How much money are you talking

everyone already has the shortcut to coinmarketcap. no need to search google for it now

True. Just throwing a bone to user

Dont its a scam

Attached: 1522960890638.png (640x480, 296K)

One coin. 480 bucks. I saw that in the last month it dropped from 698, and that it’s begun to rise again. Like I said in the OP it looks like it bottomed out to me. I figure in the worst case I sell for what I bought and lose 30 bucks on Coinbase charges, and in the best case it rises to a grand again and I’ll make like 500 bucks. I’m just a broke college kid with a little disposable income.

I'll let you in a secret. Not trying to shill. ETH is the fuel for smart contracts and most of the world is barely awekening to what a smart contract is.
It's a safe bet plus if you are feeling lucky to buy shitcoins it's also the best gateway to the crypto world .

It should be considered a high risk/high reward investment. As crypto goes, Ethereum's pretty safe. It's impossible to say if it has actually bottomed out. This morning's pump could be a spike on the way down, but I'd be absolutely shocked if it wasn't worth MUCH more than it is now in less than a year.

Recommend you find something significantly smaller

Had to google coinmarketcap and smarttcontracts. I appreciate the info and lack of trolling guys, thanks for helping.

Literally everything has bottommed out

send cash to coinbase and use that to fund a GDAX account (gdax is coinbase's trading platform). Once you have money on gdax use a limit order to buy the coin you want. Done this way you pay absolutely no fees from end to end.

goddamn. i'm a newfag, 5 mo on Jow Forums and now i hate newerfags and want to sabotage their investment decisions.

what have you done to me Jow Forums

every single new ponzy in the whole world is now based on cryptocurrency. this won't be ending any time soon.

buy vivo

>buying from coinbase
oh my sweet summer child

unironically been watching this thing for the past 6 months waiting for a time to buy and spent 10k today. already made 3k this week.

>Should i buy?
>Should i drop all my money on it at once like a retard?

Well it’s not actually all my money. I save about 1k a month after all my expenses. I was just looking to experiment with what I can afford to lose. I should have phrased it differently.

>using the most lagging indicator in existense
If you buy when fucking google trends goes up you are way too late

You want to dollar cost average. If you save 1k a month and already have a rainy day fund in some less risky venture (worth 6 to 12 months of expenses in case you become unemployed) you can buy a full eth now and then .25 or .5 a month or when it dips. Cash out if crypto ever exceeds 30 to 40% of all money you have invested.

Do this and you'll be just fine. Biz brainlets get justed because they don't take the necessary measures to ensure a peaceful mind that will make good decisions. The rest are larpers or just plain lucky.