Be me, zainichi in japan

>Be me, zainichi in japan
>Start walking on the street
>Suddently notice a japanese woman sitting on a bus stop
>I say "Domo"
>She bows her head in respect
>I sit next to her
>She asks where I come from
>I say "Korea"
>She says "Cool"
>I ask her name,she says:''Moriko Morioka''
>She asks me what I'm doing in Japan
>I say I was just visiting...
>Suddently 4 Japs appear and sit next to us
>They start harassing the japanese lady
>I say "How about you stop harassing her?"
>They get up from their seats and surround me
>I grab my cross necklace and put it over my shirt
>They lunge at me
>I completely destroy them
>They ask "Where do you come from?"
>I say I come from Korea, the last bastion of confucianism in asia, the most honorable and peaceful country in asia, never conquered a country in history, last home of pacifists.
>They run away
>Suddently Moriko start hugging me and kissing me
>I grab her and bring her to my bed where we have sex.
>She gets pregnant and have beautiful hafu
>They say "Thank you Kim, if it weren't for you we would have been raped and had radioactive red belly monkey subhuman children, unfortunately japanese men are cucks and inferior to korean men..."
>I look at sky and say "내 일생 조국과 민족을 위하여"

Attached: 제헌절 태극기.jpg (560x460, 24K)

Kek. Based Zainichi. Best version of this pasta so far

>last home of pacifists
Yeah, right

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wtf are you talking about

I don't get it
aren't japanese people racist?
why haven't they deported zainichis back to South Korea?

proxy again ....
and copy paste


It's a pasta, you shmucks

Their nationality belongs to neither south nor north. I just hope they all become naturalized citizen of Japan. That is the best choice for them, also for us.

no it's not about the pastas
I thought Koreans hated Japs and vice versa and seeing pictures of NK schools in Japan got me thinking about it

>"Heil Kim!:
they are yours
they posses S. (or N) passports

Attached: korean school in Japan.jpg (640x429, 73K)

fuck off we're full

what lol

I mean there's no point in them coming back. A lot them have probably also integrated pretty well like pic related

Attached: Masayoshi_Son_(孫正義)_on_July_11,_2008.jpg (220x295, 7K)


>never conquered a country in history
I'm sure the Jurchens felt otherwise.

>A lot them have probably also integrated pretty well
Absolutely no
They like Korea and Koreans and I'm not netouyo but I think they will be happier returning to Korea than in Japan

Not really sure what are you even talking about, Balhae perhaps? It wasn't created by conquest per se

>They like Korea and Koreans and I'm not netouyo but I think they will be happier returning to Korea than in Japan

Then why the hell are they not coming back? What the hell is wrong with them?

I've heard it's because the SK government ditched them so NK is doing all the work

Jurchens settled in Northern part of Korea after fall of Goguryeo and Balhae, again Goryeo and Joseon kicked their ass and sent some prisoners for pioneer

>''the most honorable and peaceful country in asia, never conquered a country in history, last home of pacifists.''
>''most honorable''

Eh, serves them right.

Ummm Idk
btw did you know that they have a Korean passport?

I meant Sejong's excursions in the north conquering(and partly reclaiming not to be too unfair) Mancu land.

Though I guess you could also dispute it considering that Silla and Goryeo also conquered their neighbors when unifying the peninsula. If that counts.

has anyone ever told them to just go back?

has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

why on earth would Koreans choose to live in Japan? Isn't Korea just as developed and wouldn't they be happier in a country which didn't discriminate against them?

like 70 years ago korea was a shithole when compared to japan

They immigrated to Japan when Korea was literally shithole, and how can they leave there easily when they already lived there for generations?

got it. so second and third gen koreans are still discriminated?

actually many koreans in real life like japan and try to learn japanese; maybe they are just weaboos like other weaboos around the globe.

and same goes for japan, plenty of people like korea, things like kpop and korean bbq are extremely huge in japan.

it's only the people who base their understanding of sociopolitical relations on the daily korea vs japan threads on Jow Forums that think there's some huge animosity between the countries.

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>extremely huge in japan
"extremely huge" lol!

Attached: Gook in UK.png (759x1681, 625K)

fantastic arguments as always, japan.

Attached: jap.jpg (680x823, 258K)

My grandfather was zainichi, moved back to Korea but can't even speak Korean and pretty much a deadweight as a citizen. At least he served in Korean War as a high ranking soldier.