Reminder that the vikings were known as Danes and that "Old Norse" was known as the Danish Tongue

Reminder that the vikings were known as Danes and that "Old Norse" was known as the Danish Tongue
Vikings were Danes
"Norwegians" and "Swedes" are just Danes LARPing as something else

Attached: ummm.png (1106x1012, 728K)

Other urls found in this thread:,_Norway,_Swedenälardalen

based danes

>you are a viking back then
>you are a pig breeder now
When did they go wrong?


breeding pigs is not much different from breeding british women

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If the people who lived in Denmark were the original Danes, then those Ancient Danes moved up and the modern ones are just German fakers, really makes you think

t. Danish American

>let me tell you about your history

Attached: Vikings.jpg (2462x5056, 3.82M)

>The Franks normally called them Northmen or Danes, while for the English they were generally known as Danes or heathen and the Irish knew them as pagans or gentiles.
>The 12th century Icelandic Gray Goose Laws state that Swedes, Norwegians, Icelanders, and Danes spoke the same language, dönsk tunga ("Danish tongue"; speakers of Old East Norse would have said dansk tunga).
You're a Dane, Sven

We also sailed on ships to plunder Byzantium. We are Vikings

Attached: c4fede4d78b1557fb4a8f072bfc36c80.jpg (840x610, 174K)

It's true
All Germanics are actually Danish LARPers
Dark red on this map = Stordanmark

Attached: 1200px-Germanic_languages.svg.png (1200x616, 161K)

I'm just trolling, the oldest Scandinavian skeleton is Swedish and the second oldest is Norwegian. Danes simply adopted European culture faster because of their close proximity to Germany.

So why did we cuck the shit out of the Danes and form the Swedish Empire while they remained small and irrelevant?

Attached: 545.png (612x491, 98K)

>One fragment in Kiev

Attached: Helmets 550-.jpg (890x1164, 397K)

And then you got curbstomped by Russia, who later castrated you

Sven you must liberate your Nordic brothers from M*scovite oppression

Nice bait thread, it seems mutts are evolving. Getting smarter

Attached: SwedishCrusadeinBinland.jpg (587x814, 455K)

We tried, you know

Attached: narva.png (316x886, 183K)

Sw*doids weren't real vikings but glorified traders. Also their """""empire""""" was laughable and Russian BTFO'd it rightfully, 1809 best year of my life.

>Sw*doids weren't real vikings but glorified traders. Also their """""empire""""" was laughable and Russian BTFO'd it rightfully, 1809 best year of my life.

Attached: Finnishwarrior.jpg (223x226, 6K)

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Danes are the cunning snakes of Scandinavia who appropriate the deeds of the brave Jutes or the noble Scanians

They are cunning for sure, too bad they suck at war

Norwegians = real vikings
Danes = migrating Germans
Swedes = not vikings

People back then didn't know better. For example, "Frank" was a general term for any Western European

Muttbro stop the baiting plz

Frank was a term used by Arabs for Western Europeans

Viking was an occupation, and in my understanding, it was less common in Sweden, no? It was mostly Norwegians . Sweden was the breadbasket though where all the culture originated from

user, see this post Anyone could "fara i viking", or go viking, as it were. Swedish vikings would typically go east, while Danish and Norwegians went west.

D*nes and N*rwegians were scum raiders who did a bit of conquering on the side while the Swedes completely changed the face of Eastern Europe

Attached: 1200px-Kievan-rus-1015-1113-(en).png (1200x1473, 1.25M)

Víken (place in Norway) = Víkingr (a person from Víken)

Rurik was a Finn

C-could this be the same user posting, just to try and get a Scandinavian shit-flinging thread going?

Hrærekr (Rurik) was Faroese

>Rurik was a Finn

Attached: AverageFinn.png (883x837, 46K)

Note that Eastern Europe is the only place with Rivers, and Sweden is the only place where the word Viking exists on Runestones. The Western Vikings went on open sea and are thus not traveling in a "Vik".

Attached: 800-1050_Züge,_Landnahmen_und_Siedlungsgebiete_der_Nordmänner_-22_.jpg (736x1092, 404K)

I know there were Swedish adventures and conqueres,, but being an actual "viking" was mostly a Norwegian thing, though, right? There were undoubetdly a few Swedes, but mostly Norwegians?

Mr Goldstein why are you doing this

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Vikings were lame as fuck, never understood why ppl masturbate over them.

Not really. THE Vík was in Norway,_Norway,_Sweden

Attached: vinst.jpg (125x125, 4K)

Sounds like fiction, even Mälardalen is more fitting then

Mälarviken is the real Vikälardalen

Attached: La2-demis-malaren.png (991x505, 91K)

Like vikings raped their way through Europe. And now that the immigrants are raping scandis I should feel bad for them? Fuck no, they sowed the wind, and now, they are going to reap the whirlwind.

>Tiny municipality whose name is probably a modern thing vs a large district in Norway which is attested several times in Norse sources

>Like vikings raped their way through Europe. And now that the immigrants are raping scandis I should feel bad for them? Fuck no, they sowed the wind, and now, they are going to reap the whirlwind.

Attached: FingolWarlord.png (620x536, 32K)

Could that be because there were so many runestones in Sweden compared to other places?

Nobody knows for sure, but my theory is that it's a kenning, which is Old English, but first done in Old Norse. It's when you use figurative language to describe single nouns. Poet becomes word-smith, ocean becomes whale-road.

Vika means "sea-mile". "-inga" means "son of". Vika+inga = son of the sea = Viking. It's a kenning. I havent heard this theory anywhere, but its just my own desu

"inga" can also be used to to identify something personal. so "my sea mile" = viking

Im procrastinating and don't want to do homework

Ignore his trollpost, here's the real answer This "Vik" later formed Stockholm and then the whole Swedish Empire. Your Oslo is literally a modern invention. Glorified fishermen

Runestones where stories are told and dedicated to dead soldiers returning home or lost in battle.

this is true
swedes were used as sex slaves for real vikings aka norwegians and danes

Vikings would have been called Mälarvikings had Mälarviken been the real Víkin. Víkin in Norway has historical attestations and was the borderland where Norwegian and Danish pirates fought for centuries

>swedes were used as sex slaves for real vikings aka norwegians and danes

Attached: FinnishEliteForce.jpg (314x425, 66K)

And Mälardalen was were the Rus tribe sailed out from, among others. We both sailed, just in different directions. I don't understand the argument here

Víkingr can also mean "man from the bay/ cove". Víkin fits the bill for this, as it had quite a lot of pirate activity between Danes and Norwegians. It's a place which is mentioned quite a lot in Norse sources, meaning it's not a modern name

I know, but Swedes but surely the amount of runestones has more to do with other factors than battles, because Danes/Norwegians did battles, but had less.

I'm saying Swede's amount of runestones is probably more connected to Sweden's population + center of Scandinavian culture at the time

you're just butthurt, because your ancestors weren't vikings LMAO

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Well, 10 minutes from where I live is the burial mound of Björn Ironside, son of Ragnar Lothbrok.

Please, please, go and look at all battles fought between Swedes and Danes EVEN in the Viking era. We won EVERY single one.

I don't think it's a place name. The word probably comes from Old English and then picked up in Norse languages

These are all from the same, butthurt Finnboy. Pretty sad desu

Attached: Luring.png (1660x964, 508K)

What does that have to do with the price of tea in China? I'm saying, if you look at population statistics for the time, I bet Sweden had way more people than modern Norway or Denmark

You're also forgetting two things

1. the geographic borders of modern Sweden were not always Swedish controlled. so, those runestones in Sweden might have been made by non-Swedes

2. Denmark/Norway became Christian earlier, and so probably stopped creating runestones, and instead focused on Latin

That's another good point. I'd bet Denmark has more Latin manuscripts from that time than Sweden

>t. 0% viking blood
you will never be norwegian or dane LMAO

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Can you stop trolling? We always controlled the area around Uppsala, where most runestones are located. But yes, they did indeed become Christian earlier. The Varangians ( Swedish vikings) remained pagan for a very long time.

Or the old English word comes from old Norse, like a bunch of other old English words do

Personally I'm pretty proud of the Swedish Empire, more so than our viking past.

swedish ""empire"" was ran by finns, norwegians and danes
swedes are worthless peasants

Attached: 26217b9e.jpg (798x798, 40K)

But the warriors were just a part of the societies, isn't that obvious? They did a ton of trading too yes

Poor bait, little Pekka. You're literally known around Jow Forums as that butthurt little Finn, you don't even change the images you post. Very, very sad. Go easy on the booze tonight

stopped reading at the poor bait part
you swedes are inferior beings so i really shouldn't waste my precious time to your worthless posts

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I'm not trolling. It's a valid point. Some of those southern runestones were probably crafted by Danes

It probably does. Old English was first written in 700 AD. Old Norse in 800 AD. I'm guessing the term was used before 700 AD. It seems the first apperance of "viking" in English was during the 800s. At this time, viking as a raider/looter was only used by English. Old Norse Sagas did not use the term viking to signify any raider/looter

Attached: runestones.png (220x464, 64K)

Great post

Sweden at that time was considered one of the great powers. It definitely deserves being called an empire

>Old Norse Sagas did not use the term viking to signify any raider/looter
It's very rude to lie. One of the reasons why Iceland and the Scottish isles were colonized by Vikings was because Harald Fairhair banished them from Norway. I recall a person from Heimskringla having the nickname "the Viking". The concept of raiding foreign shores was called "going into Viking" or something along those lines. Raiders were very much called Vikings, and the more formidable ones were called "sækonungr" or Sea-Kings

Image the amount of mental gymnastics here.

Yeah, but were they called vikings by their fellow Norse?

"As in the Old Norse usages, the term is not employed as a name for any people or culture in general. " - Wikipedia

Scottish people never used the word Viking

Its not used as a name for a culture or people because it was an occupation, like pirate or raider. Estonians and Curonians were mentioned "going Viking" too and they certainly weren't Norse

Jag förstår inte vad den här jänkarens problem är. Det kanske bara är så att han försöker lägga ut bete för oss?

Attached: SwedishCrusadeInBinland.png (800x541, 808K)

Mulig det, logikken hans er litt snodig

>Swedish Empire
>force G*rmans to drink manure water as torture

I know it was an occupation. But, "Viking" to signify the people we now call Vikings, seems to be an English invention. The old Norse did not use the word as we now use it.

By the time the sagas were written, the Scandinavian languages had adopted the term from the English

Jag ska lämna tråden nu. Godnatt broder

> Estonians and Curonians were mentioned "going Viking"
Maybe in Icelandic or Norwegian desu, but in English, a viking is a noun, not a verb

Calling all medieval-age Scandinavians "Vikings" is probably an American or English invention as it makes no sense. Víkingr meaning a man from the bay makes a lot of sense as Vikings kept to the shores and pirate activity was extemely common in the old borderland of Víkin.

Wīcingas: Probably from Old Norse víkingr (“a freebooter, rover, pirate”), itself is from Old Norse vík (“inlet, cove, fjord”) + -ingr (“one belonging to”, “one who frequents”). Compare Old Frisian wīking, wītsing, wīzing, wīsing (“pirate, viking”). Thus, “one from or who frequents the sea’s inlets”.
Then that's English failing to capture the meaning of the word
Also from the Saga of Olaf Tryggvason:
>As they sailed out into the Baltic, they were captured by vikings of Estonia, who made booty both of the people and goods, killing some, and dividing others as slaves.

>being proud of a """""empire""""" whose point was to get peasants killed in retarded wars started by idiot kings and to enrich bloodthirsty nobility

Sad. I bet you listen to Sabaton unironically too.

Stop memeing.

>Viking was an occupation
It was an act of doing. Vík means bay, and one went "in viking" when one set out at sea, leaving your bay at home and heading for open waters. You can compare with going to battle, which was going "in hilding" (hild = battle/fight). The lingual use lives on today, even in English in words such as 'singing' etc.

The only reason you call the Norse from the time "Vikings" is because it has been attested in an anglo-saxon poem called Widsith from the 900's; "mid Lidwicingum ic wæs" (with lidvikings I was (as a direct translation on the fly here)).

An official theory is also that it comes from the latin word 'vicus' (village/market town), which would also fit the vast trading that went on with the Norse and other nations at the time.

The language shifted from Ancient Norse to Old Norse during a period between approx. 600 to 800.

>Yeah, but were they called vikings by their fellow Norse?
Maybe. It is (presumably) used as a name or title on stone Sm10 (pic related) - located outside Växjö Cathedral in Växjö, Småland, Sweden, which has been known by the name "Tyki Viking's stone". The inscription mentions "Tyki" and "Viking" on separate fields from the main inscription, as is believed or assumed to belong together. However, since Tyki is met with a punctuation (x), it could very well just be informational fields stating that the memory after Gunnar is raised because something happened to him during a journey, or that he was generally faring at sea. Tyki is assumed to have raised the stone and the field containing his name could be a way of signing it (my own personal theory).

Attached: 685px-Runestone_Sm10.jpg (685x1023, 313K)

Have a (you)

You're a Dane

I'm a Geat, you mutt.

>Hurr durr we wuz mor gret n stuf
And now we (Scandinavia) are the cucks of Europe. Thanks a lot, Denmark.