Who else all-in?

Who else all-in?

Attached: vengang.png (1259x748, 981K)

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Ever since I heard he grabbed that guy's dick in the elevator I have been behind Sunny 100%, that's alpha as fuck.

Attached: shady.jpg (1920x1080, 69K)

so many of you idiots are gonna get burned so hard by this chink scam

Gotta make sure my ice cream stays fresh during transport!

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>cope of not selling at 80k sats

Attached: TA.jpg (800x800, 63K)

Unironically 75% in Ven. Avg buy price 2.30, will hold till it goes to 50 or 0

I was picking my brother up from college today and stopped by Harvard to listen to Sunny speak for 30 minutes or so. I am unironically all in

Can you ironically give me a synopsis of what he talked about?

are all the harvard fags going all in too? with daddys money?


All in VenBro checking in.

wonder what the biz brainlets will think of the BMW announcement coming later this month at the auto show

Traded my way to 39k VEN

April is gonna be so fucking bullish for ven, I’m done trading


What’s the story behind this lol?

they will call it fake and cgi or some other fucked up coping mechanism they will come up with.

Thanks for the link. To whoever took those notes, it is much appreciated. My 13k stack is feeling too small right about now.

13k is going to bring you riches don’t worry buddy
In three years ven is going to be worth so much

Start throwing INT around you brain dead pajeet

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yep - retards

big if true

this is going to make big look small.

Sunny exposed his genitals during the DMV GL livestream, and they had him on the show to talk about the incident.

Its part of his culture apparently. He looks chinese but is from a remote tribal region in the border of mongolia. In that place you reveal your genitals in order to demand respect from others, and you show respect by gripping other men by the shaft.

true if big

A true OG


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I have escaped from vechain and got some other coins to accumulate more of it