I have a 10 year old meme folder with almost 20,000 memes from /b/ Jow Forums and Jow Forums
If you would pay for one, how much would you buy it for? I could let you skim through it.
I have a 10 year old meme folder with almost 20,000 memes from /b/ Jow Forums and Jow Forums
If you would pay for one, how much would you buy it for? I could let you skim through it.
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ill give you 1 shekel
Post some samples and maybe I'll buy it for 0.005 ETH
like 5 linkies
0.2 eth
ok ill post some samples. any specific year or board?
1 btc for y shitty ass memes folder
quit hoarding the memes oldfag
sample us some early era pink wojacks
Do you have a taste sample?
gimme some old pepe and feels guy or EFG if you have em
pink wojak really isn't that old and hasn't changed at all. it started on Jow Forums and Jow Forums is only a few years old.
There have been significant sales on eBay for Pepe folders. Look at all of these bizfaggots trying to upsell you, they'd clearly compete with each other in a bidding war if you let them. Hell, you could even sell them with smart contracts if you were so technically inclined and capable.
Let them.
Samples OP someone here will buy if its good.
1 fiat dollar to see that full house of autism
Heres my collection for free: politicallyincorrectbase.com
Also proof you're legit could be some original epic fail guys or some original weedcomix including possibly the original trollface from the "they know" comics
Is there a crypto project yet where someone like OP can upload their document along with a price and people can buy it using a smart contract?
samples incoming..
this was like a year back, sample something rare
These are low-value memes.
We need classic/rare ones.
not impressed
>Jow Forums
mainstream garbage
if you had a folder with early caps of worksafe boards id pay hundreds
a lot of the archives only started in 2013
오피 이스 어 페겠
Are they all more or less high quality or did you just save certain good memes without looking for the highest res one?
are you trying to fucking waste our time larping here?
I would have saved that in 2016
>yellow id
Not impressed, these are mostly Jow Forums mee mees from 2015-2016
>this thread
I'm looking for a serious old weedcomix or epic fail guy. Fucking oughts shit. Some real /b/ classics. Am I the only oldfag left?
if u werent a fag you would zip it and upload to google drive but everything on here is a virus so suck a pepepe
>10 years old
yeah sure, show us some good stuff from 2008 then, i remember there were lot dark stuff, i hope you didn't fell for rage comics or advice dogs
fuck that's a good one but it's obviously not the rarest one. of course, you wouldn't want to diminish the price of your rare memes folder. still, the advise stands: if it isn't full of piss ass awkward penguins and advice dogs, epic fail guys and rage comics, it's not got enough rare memes to be worth a significant amount of cryptocurrency -- the rare meme which converts into usd currently.
i didn't hoard any images but i've been here since 2006. only folder i have is 106 images and they happen to be what you're talking about. maybe it's from 420chan, idk
yeah, I had these in my old folder before I got v&. don't post any old pics from /b/ on facebook, just don't do it. in fact, scrub your zuckerbook and try to pretend you never had one.
also old memes are worthless
Post some old and forgotten shit, OP. Your pepes are too contemporary to be worth my linkies. The stoner comics are a nice throwback to the yesteryears of /b/.
Do you have anything from /new/, I only lurked /new/ a few times before it go shut down. It would be interesting to see some memes and posts from that board to compare to Jow Forums.
If you have /b/ memes from 2007. I would be very interested.
what was the 100M get?
Last freebie, gonna need some payment to continue to dump
send a little bit of BTC and ill keep dumping originals
holy fucking shit post something of value. Post some shit from /b/ in 2009 or 2010. Where are your reaction faces? Where are your moot pics? What about lolcat pics or generic image macros?
fucking faggy larp prove you have rares
You fucktard, just post something rare and interesting and put a fucking watermark over it, so no one uses it
send bitcoin poorfags you're just trying to get free rares
Last stoner freebie
Deleted my old folder a long time ago but managed to find this on google
>trying to sell shit that gets posted on /b/ all the goddamn time
i'm not OP
also dat ass is an eleven year old meme
Juan was here. I can tell.
If I pay you, will you stop posting?
keep posting op fuck these cunts
I'd pay just for proof that some autist sorts his meme folders chronologically
I do too. I think more people here are from the same 10-14 year path as you than you think.
>what is windows explorer
Pink Wojaks are like 1 year old you fuck. Newfags need to fucking leave.
if you're an oldfag on biz you're not going to make it
gotta say I'm disapointed. These memes are not 10 years old and I'm sure the stoner comics are reposted endlessly on 420chan.
No you're not but my stuff is all on an old hard drive at ny parents house. I was like 14 in 2007. That's why.
I kind of did. Last year was good to me.
good to hear
the only pepes i would pay for are PEE PEE POO POO ones
no, we're all unique special snowflakes!!!!
Okay OP I'll make you an offer. I'll give you 20 USD for your /b/ folder.
they may be reposted endlessly on 420chan, but many of them are actually 10+ years old
I have your rare meme. For a price i may have more.
msg me on discord, my username is parson, willing to pay 30 usd via crypto
Most of these memes can be found on /b and /pol, fuck off op with your scamming shit
/b/ is not what it used to be.
These memes are 5 years old at most. Only because I'm feeling generous, I will share some memes from my 2007 folder.
>rage comics
Fucking kill yourself op
Believe it or not /b/ used to be just as cringy as it is today.
Last one. Sorry OP, but you're folder is worthless and mine is far more valuable and rare - so much so that it is not for sale as it is a priceless gem and for my eyes only.
OP is a fraud.
You can sell memes on ethereum
Highly underated
>tfw there was a time where life was easier and you used to post demons souls memes on /v/
our humor was simpler and more lighthearted before 2010
yes we used to form swastikas on habbo hotel, mock stupid kids that killed themselves and weird handicaps but the anger and the darkness inside wasn't there yet.
Jow Forums could be analyzed as a bitter coming of age story of an entire generation just by board migrations patterns, mainly /b/ -> /v/ -> Jow Forums -> Jow Forums
How does polar bear know what apples is?
thank you, good comic
Wasn't there an older archive that went down?