The european union is great
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The european union is great
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Yes it is.
Post your address and I'm on the next flight over.
WRONG. The current state of the union is pretty trash. In an ideal EU, countries like Greece, Italy, and Spain wouldn't be part of the monetary union, and the EU would focus mainly on cross border trade, not this immigration bullshit
pretty much a non-country
Its not all only about immigrants ?
And besides should germany have blocked all immigrants on the austrian border?
haha well memed radjish
You're right it's not just about immigrants. It's about obfuscating decision making and removing power from the people.
The EU would be pointless without Greece Italy and Spain you moron, they're there to drag the currency down to help german and french exports.
The EU is like an empire, but gay. It's evil without even being cool.
the merifat FEARS the EU
But it is
the last UK census said that Muslims make up 4.4% of the population
in 2015 it was estimated that Muslims make up over 7% of the Belgian population
well memed
>Its not all only about immigrants ?
I understand that, but that is what ultimately spurred the UK to leave the EU, and if the system collapses, then it was designed very poorly. What I am saying is that virtually all of the benefits of the EU stem from common regulation and the monetary union, as it allows for improved economics in the region and better negotiating power for trade deals between the bloc and other countries. However, the EU went way too far and let countries in the monetary union that shouldn't have been allowed to join (such as Greece, which only like 1% of the total GDP of the bloc, but for which almost collapsed the currency), and also overstepped its bounds by forcing certain immigration policies on members of the bloc
In short, if the EU was a good system, in wouldn't have been so close to collapse these past couple of years
Idea of EU: 10/10
Execution of EU: 3/10
It's true Europeans should work together. Our interests are similiar enough and divided we are weak but together we form the largest economy in the world. Freedom of movement is good in theory, the execution is terrible. I don't understand how it's a big deal to show ID at the border even if I'm allowed to move to another country as I please. Education, work, lack of tariffs etc. all great.
As is it's just a tool for multinational corporations to evade taxes and overrule national interests.
>he thinks I fear lower GDP growth and an almost collapsing union
If you're this retarded why do you still bother waking up in the morning?
Have you ever seen a book?
>The EU would be pointless without Greece Italy and Spain you moron, they're there to drag the currency down to help german and french exports.
Kek, I never thought of this, but now that you mention it you might actually be right user
Are you really that dumb? i can understand greece and maybe spain, but italy is one of the most industrialized countries in EU.
How is your GDP going to help you when 90% of it is in the hands of some international finance institutions and business conglomerates that will jump ship at the first sign of trouble?
>italy is one of the most industrialized countries in EU.
Northern and southern italy are like two different countries. North is close to austria etc. South is like the balkans.
I don't disagree. You can still be critical though. Multiple institutions do need some major overhauls and southern EU (especially Italy/Greece) is not prepared for another global economic downturn due to lack of reform
Immigration policies were not 'forced' on member states, given that pretty much none of them have taken in the proposed amount of refugee %
Sorry, I might have went too far with Italy. Initially it was said that italy entered the monetary bloc too quickly, but it has likely caught up to speed with the bloc, so I redact that part of my statement. However, Spain and Greece definitely should not be in it
>How is your GDP going to help you when 90% of it is in the hands of some international finance institutions and business conglomerates that will jump ship at the first sign of trouble?
This isn't the case in much of America, since we have a strong domestic economy and a lot of smaller domestic companies. This is more of an issue in places like SK, where Samsung makes up around 2-3% of GDP.
>Immigration policies were not 'forced' on member states
While it's ultimately our fault for being the nice guys, in our view they were forced. Obviously no one was offering us with military action if we refused to respect them, but over here we consider contracts to actually be binding even if no one's there to enforce them. Finland and Finnish people didn't get to dictate the terms of those agreements and as a part of EU we had to accept them.
Yup... the north is carrying hard... but in the end, italy count as an industrialized country (Even if the south sucks)
offering? I meant to say threatening.
Well, now i can agree with this comment.
I am right, read books and grow out of "kek"
You don't have to sit on Jow Forums thinking shit up when you can actually read knowledge other people have already organized for your convenience in blocks of text
You're right about their importance to the Eurozone and the reason they were included, but the EU is much more than the Euro so it wouldn't exactly be "pointless".
Lot of things that we need to figure it out and there are problems
But i generally think that the positive sides outweight the negative
>Immigration policies were not 'forced' on member states, given that pretty much none of them have taken in the proposed amount of refugee %
They shouldn't have been included anywhere ever in the EU. I get members haven't fully hit the refugee percentages, but why would you ever have anything in there that ultimately adds no value and may be contentious amongst the members. The EU was meant to be a monetary and economic bloc (you can look up the predecessor organizations that were just economic unions). They other stuff is just crap
So what ? should germany have accepted the hunderd of thousands of refugees all alone and the rest of the countries should just have staid and watched?
More little girls for you uh?
>Lot of things that we need to figure it out and there are problems
>But i generally think that the positive sides outweight the negative
Don't get me wrong, I completely agree with you on this. However it is by no means a perfect system, and these upcoming years will be a critical test of the EU. Changes need to be made lest other members leave and the system is called into jeopardy
but why should any EU country have to take any at all
The thing is very few of those negatives are actually in any way tied to the positives. And the way the whole organization is set up it's nearly impossible to change the fundamental flaws within it with the measures possible.
European co-operation is good, but the EU is a rotten mess. At this point the best move would be to scrap the whole thing and start over, though obviously there's problems with that too.
If the German people wanted to. Or just not accept any refugees if that's their choice. Japan and Australia don't take in refugees and they seem to be doing just fine.
No. But, should their not have been a mandate for the refugees, the members of the bloc could have came to some agreements on what to do with the refugees. Perhaps a few of the countries have a critical shortage of labor in a few of their sectors where the refugees would have been most useful. Members nations could have made an agreement to reduce some regulations of this industry and funneled some money to this country to take in a bulk of refugees. The refugees then could have settled down much better and much more quickly assimilate with the bloc.
yes, because germany offered to take them, even though the refugees had to march through another country to get there
>when your only persuasion power is reducing gibs
it's a joke
Because most EU counties are not islands on the other side of the globe.
and its not that easy to block 400k refugees on one side of the border peacefully. Austria , germany , italy , Greece are developed countries that would not easily shoot some refugees
but that doesn't answer why any eu country should be expected to take any
you're really not selling this whole "eu" thing very well
learn some history faggots, you're both wrong
>its not that easy to block 400k refugees on one side of the border peacefully
It's easier (and cheaper) than trying to integrate them into society.
EU sounds like our first government
cant wait for it to fall (or finally reform)
Who else will work in the Volks wagen factories am i right?
>and the EU would focus mainly on cross border trade, not this immigration bullshit
umm sweetie
theres no conspiracy ur dumb x
The Union currently has:
a legislative branch (EU Parliament + EU Council)
an executive branch (EU Commission)
an independent judiciary (EU Court of Justice)
How much power these institutions have (or should have) can be debated though
Also as a Belgian living next to peaceful countries you might've forgotten this, but border patrol is a thing. We have 1340km of border with Russia and good luck getting over it without being detected and detained. Prior to the Ottawa agreement you would've been blown to bits as well (thanks for that btw).
That's how borders used to be before EU.
Show me one (1) syrian, somalian or iraki working on a VW factory. Pic related. The statistics are from Finland but it's the same story in Europe.
Legend: Employment of immigrants who have arrived in 1990-2009 compared to employment of the their comparable age group of Finns. This is BEFORE the huge influx of them and it was already this bad.
For example: if you're a Somalian 35 year old who's been in the country for 10 years, and Finn 35 year olds are 87% employed, Somalis are MINUS 68 PERCENT from that.
Do you know who is the patron of the European Union?
It is great. To bad UK leaved it. They are European people. Anyway, Europe should be a federal country yet
gib sovereignty
the rhine river
or saarland
Honestly I don't give a flying fuck about the money. We got money. It's seeing sand niggers and having to listen to them talk and having to constantly stay alert around them that I can't stand.
EU is smalltime
It's the worst thing that has happened to Europe since the fall of the Third Reich. 1v1 me, you anti-european cunts.
The EU is pure trash, made up of the worst of the European polity.
The Barcelona Declaration was the death knell of the union everything following that is just cadaveric spasms.
you are like baby
Do you even know what market capitalisation means?
Haven't you seen his flag? ofc he doesn't.
>Hur durgh america has bigger numer, america is better drgghh