Everything pumps

>everything pumps
>req still dumps

it's like a joke at this point. what the fuck went wrong?

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>Went wrong

It went right, dude. It's in everyones best interest the tokens price stays as low as possible the next 1-2 years so as much tokens get burned as possible so that us holders have a higher %. Price will rice dynamically as the supply shrinks in the long term (3-5 years from now).

Make sure to keep holding and FUD REQ to keep the price low so you get a better return in the long run.

>Fiat gets integrated and working
crashes 20%

>Amazon announces plans to implement "pay by request" later this year
continues bleeding, another 20% over several weeks

>New York City mayor announces the office will do all accounting on Request Network
instant dump 30%

>All world governments to use Request Network
bear run to 1 cent

How many tokens got burned till mainnet? I dunno man the main stream adaptation doesn't seem like happening in a very long time, if at all. I am starting to lose faith.

I literally keep losing other opportunities by holding REQ. I bought below ICO so it's not a big issue but fucking OMG is mooning while REQ still dumps

Patience. Everything else is speculation. REQ has a real product. Real money will come.

>How many tokens got burned till mainnet?

You obviously don't know what you are talking about.

Let me explain for you. Request Network LITERALLY just went live, and you expect it to moon in a market that is driven by hype and speculation? On what time scale do you think full adoption will occur? Hold on to your bags and shut up.

Tokens could only start burning when mainnet released and 0 got burned by actual adoption 100% of the burning until now has been tests.

Woocommerce/shoppify plugins aren't released yet so websites can't add "Pay with Request Network" button to their websites yet. ERC20 support is not ready yet and the bitcoin oracle is still in its early phases, let alone fiat implementation.

Give it time the burning will speed up. Also stop being so impatient I know you're relatively new to crypto and it's hard, especially since you visit Jow Forums daily but REQ released not even 2 fucking weeks ago. Was google the search engine of the world within 2 weeks? Give it some time man. The full product isn't even out yet.

Why the fuck did they even release the "mainnet" if nothing is even fucking ready? Isn't mainnet v1.0? lmao what a joke you cant even pay with the request network

Req dumped? Where?

No, it’s not in everyone’s best interest for req’s price to be this suppressed. With it, interest and enthusiasm in the project wane. Who knows what will happen in crypto...a 3-5 year timeframe in this fast moving scene is ridiculous. Request needs to gain interest NOW. They need to market globally NOW.

You can however most people aren't programmers and can't make their own plugin for websites which is why they need to release those separate plugins.

The API and protocol are complete and working. If you knew anything about software engineering you'd know that most of the work is already done. It's more about integration and 3rd party Dapp development now

>With it, interest and enthusiasm in the project wane

So? The money comes from the accounting and lower fees in their payment portal and Dapp development. NOT from speculative buyers and traders.

That's the difference REQ is the only product that actually benefits from staying under the radar and have it least shilled as possible since the money is going to pour in from the business side not from the consumer speculation side.

Nah, big investors won’t come if there’s no liquidity. Even if the supply dwindles, which it won’t without mass adoption, you still need big investors to prop up the value.


Mainnet =/= full development and adoption of the platform. Mainnet release was huge because now any company can build upon the Req Network, which is happening right now. This shit doesn't happen overnight. If you can't wait like 99% of all newcoiners then just sell your bags to one of us retard.

I'm not talking about "big investors". I'm talking about genuine revenue due to a working product. Once the product is getting used (primarily on the accounting side of things) it's generating REAL REVENUE and that revenue all automatically burns REQ as its fees which are all bought from the open market.

There is no need for any investors or speculators from here on out. The developers just need to focus on the triple-entry accounting system and undercutting established systems in terms of fees and all the rest will fall in place all on its own.

You just want to get cash quick even if it sacrifices your long-term profits. REQ isn't for that, you bought a pretty shitty coin if you wanted that since like I said lots of people are going to suppress the price over the coming years.

REQtards are emotionally attached to their bags at this point. There's literally no point of holding REQ, shit already launched a mainnet and it did nothing. Why the fuck are you still hodling ?

Why does req even work?

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I think you got it wrong bro. While this is a token burning model that decreases supply, it does not generate much revenue per se. You reiterated that point when you mentioned undercutting fees. You still need investors to want to buy and hold the tokens—in others words value the tokens—for the price to appreciate in the future. So yes, there is still a role for marketing to increase investment into this company. Companies don’t grow without investors.

>price will rice

Attached: chink.jpg (1600x1200, 179K)

And please don’t assume I want cash quick. I knew this was going to be a long term investment, but long term thinking in crypto is 6-12 months, any predictions beyond that are plain ridiculous. And if you knew how much req I own it would make your panties drop.

Stop listening to REQ shills, just fucking dump that shit already. So many better higher growth potential projects out there.

No you DON'T need investors to buy and hold the tokens. The tokens get bought through the automatic fees over the revenue Request Network handles. Less supply and increasing demand (from the fees) means price will appreciate with time.

This can all be done without a single human buying REQ tokens as long as enough revenue passes through the request network to burn a large volume of tokens.

this but unironically

This is not a typical "crypto investment". They’re building a financial platform based on blockchain - did you really think that the world would adopt something like that in 6-12 months? Really?

So when req is $10, you’re going to sell all your req to this “single person” on am exchange? Liquidity doesn’t work like that buddy. Name a single company that grew to IPO levels without investors. You can’t.

Why would anyone pay $10 for 1 req?

stop replying to retards its not like this is some currency coin that needs adoption
let the bagholders fomo into pnds while you keep on accumulatin'

This guy gets it. Good software takes time and grows exponentially. That means, if REQ is successful it will look like nothing until it's massive and that growth will happen over a short period of time.


>Name a single company that grew to IPO levels without investors.

You realize that Request Network already had seed accelerators and angel investors right? That's what ING, Ycombinator and the ICO were for after all.

But to answer your question about companies that grew to IPO levels without investors I can name a few off the top of my head: IKEA, Lego, PwC, Valve which were all privately funded and profits reinvested into growth until it came to the point they are at right now.

keep throwing your money in a black hole that doesn't even pump.

And many have already dumped, obviously.

It's up 15% on the day. Thats more than most coins except for like OMG

I’ll put it more simply...your req, like any asset, is only worth what another investor is willing to pay for it. The supply won’t matter for a long time. And name a tradeable stock (closest analogy to our shitcoins) that rose in value without investors buying. You can’t. If you wanna make the analogy between IKEA and req aka “privately funded”...which company is going to throw more money at req and appreciate the token going forward? The funding is already over.

If you want to make a stock comparison then the burning of tokens is comparable to a stock buyback that a company funds with its quarterly profits.

But instead of REQ using quarterly profits it just burns 100% of the their fee on the revenue in real time.

As you know stock buybacks create a demand for the stock and thus by simple supply and demand makes the price go up. A similar effect is happening with token burning.

I hope you finally understand it now.

Nope. -1.13% in satoshi value for the past day. Satoshi value is the most important. Fiat values when btc is up 12% are irrelevant.

But who is going to buy your limited req if no investors care about the project?

I hold Req but it isn't looking good
This coin ain't doing shit
I've said this before , the coins with working products and that don't have much else coming do worse than the coins with just a white paper

This is how I have a feeling this market won't really make it, or if it does stick around we won't be happy as investors

Because the days of insane gains will be gone.

The burning fee contract, silly. Just like a corporate buyback of stock is conducted over the market and you can sell your stocks back to the company.

What you'll do in 3 years time is just set a sell order for $100 per REQ and let the burning contract eat away at it.

Remember the tokens that get burned are bought from exchanges so if you set a sell order low enough your REQ tokens are going to get bought by the burn contract and then burned.

I don't understand why you have so much problems grasping this concept.

check out the other biz req thread, it’s a lot more interesting than this one.

You pretty much rekt him.

sell it before the burn OP