Don’t daytrade

Why is Jow Forums sad about the 45% increase on OMG, did you sell?

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>2 Trillion in 14 months
That's actually slower than his predecessor even though his predecessor didn't cut taxes lol.

8 years.

> bu-bu-but Obama was a negro
Obama was decreasing it you retard.

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Hurricane Harvey and Puerto Rico happened. $1.3 trillion dollar spending bill. Doom and gloom markets with the crypto bubble bursting and stocks will tumble. A big crash has yet to happen.

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when people say america is in debt, who are they in debt to? who do they owe money? mexico and canada? or jewish banks and israel?

and if the latter then why not just enact the final solution?

Except your wrong

Who is gonna collect, come on. Most tired meme is debt meme.

Sure is nice when you don't count your budget skullfucking in the deficit. Somehow Obama added 8 trillion in debt without ever adding to the deficit. It's almost like all his numbers are technicalities and lies.

Most of the debt is towards the American citizens. A smaller slice of the whole pie is towards other countries due to trade, with the majority of that chunk of slice towards China

Mostly their own citizens via futures. We have over 100 trillion in "unfunded liabilities" which is where we spent money from a budget that hadn't happened yet and the Federal Reserve said it technically wasn't printing money so inflation went adjust. It's all funny money and fake.

Learn what deficit means you absolute brainlet.

*won't adjust.

Never phonepost, kids.

>I mention Obama's debt went up
>you say he lowered the deficit
>I say that doesn't matter because the debt DID GO UP, from 11 to 19 trillion
>you try more technicality bullshit
Nothing you say matters when you don't have reality on your side. The subject is debt. He raised it 200 years worth in 6 years.

Christ another plebbitor, just like "official stats" of unemployment were going down despite the lack of full-time jobs (the power of picking and choosing what is considered employed or unemployed) but anyone in the real world knew there was fucking nothing compared to the growth we've had now. Shadow stats gave great comparisons of this.

Go learn your fucking terms you inbred monkey. For a debt to decrease you need to reduce a deficit until it becomes a surplus. Obama was getting to it but no one ever claimed he achieved it.

Now go improve your reading comprehension and shut the fuck up.

You people and your equivocations. You can decelerate but still keep going forward. I'm not sure if you people are paid propagandists or just a bunch of retards.

>b-but le plebbit...

Go fuck off and die.

From when Obama took office to when he left, the country’s debt went up 10 trillion. Trillion. You can cry all you want, I know a lot of people hate drumpf and this isn’t Jow Forums. But you’re ignoring facts. Did you think Obama cutting our annual budget was going to make 20trillion disappear? Look up how much of our tax dollars go to just servicing this debt, it’s disgusting and rising

>decrease deficit by $10
>increase debt by $10 trillion
wowsers tanks obummer, just pass on the buck to the next generation, that fixed everything.
o wait i am the next generation

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Like the government gives a shit about debt. They'll just print more money. Who in the hell would still give a shit about the debt today with such an economic model?

All of the dollar is debt anyway
crypto, gold etc are the real currencies

the only thing that matters is debt relative to a country's GDP, and not total debt

it's like saying a billionaire who has $100 million in debt is in a worse position than a person living in poverty who has $10k in debt

Attached: gdpdebt.png (2001x1728, 236K)

And the USD will go down, and BTC will take over :)

I'm unironically happy Trump got elected so he can destroy the US economy and save crypto.

>destroy the US economy

and how do you see that happening?

trade war with China

believe in BAT

I mean, I'm holding BAT but what does that have to do with Trump?

Get and all crypto falls apart at the end of the year

Banks basically, banks buy US treasury bonds, other people can too. Bankers own us, the Federal Reserve also buys bonds.
Watch this video

Stop pretending like you know things.

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Why do drumpfies even fucking exist?

Surely just looking at the states and seeing how much better in every way the democrat ones are sums it up.

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