Hartford, Connecticut was once considered one of the greatest cities in the country in terms of beauty

>Hartford, Connecticut was once considered one of the greatest cities in the country in terms of beauty
>Mark Twain himself was so moved by it that he decided to move to Connecticut, proclaiming that it was the greatest city he had ever seen (and he had done a great deal of traveling around the world)
>Industry ended up moving out because the state is too expensive, now it's just another ugly run down decaying shit hole riddled with crime, all of its natural beauty and sights have faded away

What are some not very important things in your country that hurt your soul anyway

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>now it's just another ugly run down decaying shit hole riddled with crime
I feel something else changed aswell that youre not telling, maybe something a man of Mark Twains time would find revolting

Please respond OP

that it has a lot of insurance companies?

I am literally watching a Smithsonian video "America's best small towns". It is full of amazing bird's eye views, bright colors, and exciting places. A very positive movie. So I just decided to check what Jow Forums thinks about america. And sure some faggot is bitching about doom and gloom and how all went to shit and all is lost and let us all die. You need watch some good documentaries about America to learn how great this country really is.

And porch monkies

>Someone is gloomy about how a once prosperous place is in the dumps
>This means they hate everything about the country

Please respond OP

Hartford is majority Hispanic and Black, the decline comes from the industry it was built around leaving without having anything taking its place, causing all its valuable people to leave with the only ones saying being the poor manual workers who had already invested too much of their limited capital in living there to leave. The same happened to Detroit and basically every other dead American city

But I know many dying places where industry has left that are not crime ridden shitholes

If only you knew how bad things really are.

You don't live in a country where it's socially acceptable to throw away decades of progress, hard work, budding culture, and beauty in order to save a couple bucks, I'd imagine. Knocking down something old and busted is much easier than fixing it, even if it's obviously the better solution.

Soooo, niggers ruined your already declining city?

if you want to see what white people do when there's no jobs, don't worry, there's a 1,000 mile long region full of this exact situation. it's called Appalachia and it's also a shithole.

I remember the early 70's when you could still find enclaves of pure freedom. That's long gone. Just swarms of gabbling chinks now buying up everything. And spice monkeys.

The treason of the ruling classes is really astounding. They deserve to be torn to shreds by angry mobs.


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I've never lived in Hartford. I cannot truly tell you the root of its problems are other than what Google tells me. Go ask the Connecticut dude in /cum/.

And yet there is barely any crime, unless you count drug use/sale

also black people do that regardless, its like new york doesnt have jobs

America is still a great place my Yankee friend, despite what is said about it on here.


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Hartford has a bunch of black people, but it's not much worse than some of the other shitholes in southern New England that don't have black people, like Fall River and Lowell

>And yet there is barely any crime
fuck no, Appalachia is a awful. I'd never even travel through the region again unless I absolutely had to. a lot of crime simply doesn't get reported because

1. it's very rural
2. no culture of respecting the police there
3. they're a proud people that deal with problems themselves

if you want to bitch about black people, New York is a bad example. for whatever reason, black people in New York are pretty safe to be around. I think Guiliani and Bloomberg just purged all of the ones that couldn't be kept in line. except The Bronx which still kinda sucks. but the black areas of Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Queens aren't too bad.

I feel like the America of old is mostly dead. Everyone my age is extremely jaded and pessimistic, I have only met a handful of people who truly expect great things to happen in America's future, and almost all of them are first gen immigrants. Only immigrants and old people really believe in the American dream anymore, cities are worn out husks of their former selves, small towns are all being devoured by opioid abuse, suburbs are slowly turning into empty lots of Chinese real estate. I might be romanticizing for a time that never existed, but I just don't feel like the America that people dreamed about exists in any real capacity anymore. The older generations are always so patriotic and proud of their nation despite hating the young people, while almost all the patriotism done by young people here is in an ironic and self deprecating way. Just feels like a very disillusioned place, like all the dreams of old have blown away and now we're stuck with the harsh reality of America basically being sold by the ounce to be a huge corporate HQ with no real identity, something that made us rich but simultaneously very soulless and lost.

must be those goddamn democrats

Shitskin, leave EVROPA
So you got nothing just heresay
The stats dont bear that out

>The older generations are always so patriotic and proud of their nation despite hating the young people
before I left for Russia, I had some very serious conversations with my grandparents (Silent Generation) about the current situation in America. they love what America used to be, and it pains them to see it all be thrown away. they don't agree with me that the place is almost certainly fucked, but realize that things are really, really bad. thankfully they've never disagreed with the various decisions that I've taken over the years to do what I had to do concerning finding a job, a woman etc. never given me the "fucking kids these days" spiel, realizing that our generation isn't the one that created this mess. I'm blessed to have them.

Connecticut is seriously fucked. they've killed the golden goose (gold coast desu)

it's just really dumb to see some Finngolian come on here and "let me tell you about your country"

Read the latest entry and compare races, churka

How'd you end up in Russia?

Youre doing the same moron and you till cant refute anything
But niggers are universal nowadays so its not that crazy

came here for a visit, liked it so much that I bought a work visa

I'm an American citizen, I'll bitch about my country all I want. fuck off.


look at other posts in this thread. pathetic.

wow what a cuck. i hope you are baiting. nobody can be this retarded for real

Leave russia, mongrel
Also pretty ironic youre white knighting niggers after leaving for a Negerfrei country

>crime simply doesn't get reported
Ah yes, we will take your word for it, proxy

Why does a Finn have such strong opinions on black people? Legit curious.

I see them in town

I don't like living around black people, I just think that you're an annoying faggot.

why would anyone proxy into Russia to talk about life in Appalachia...?

Are they local european blacks or immigrants?

Virginia used to be the best state in the union.......................................

>local european blacks

I dunno, I am Russian and I after living for years in this great country I find it odd that an actual american would willingly relocate to that god forsaken shithole. So I am assuming you are a proxy but who knows.

Really? I was in Helsinki once as a kid and I don't remember seeing any. I also don't remember seeing any in Kyiv, might be because living in America has made it so that I don't really notice them.

Things can change fast, rarely for the better

Didn't you have a small number of slaves at some point? Maybe not actual blacks but gypsies or some shit. Some dangerous people i mean

The fact that it went from almost a model state to a nicer version of brazil in just a few decades.

I can see how you'd think that if you were from where like...Magadan. but I'm in Moscow and I genuinely like it here, much happier than I was anywhere in America. I miss being able to carry a pistol, but that's literally it.

not sure if you're aware, but Western Europe is undergoing a demographics change right now. it's being flooded with Africans, Middle Easterners, and South Central Asians. Ukraine doesn't really have anyone moving to it.

there's almost no black people here in Moscow, I still spot them just the same, they stick out like a sore thumb.

No... There hasnt been slavery since the tribal days

Just like said
Just those damn demoncrats :^)

>miss being able to carry a pistol
now you are just trolling.
it is 7 am in moscow now. why are up so early on sunday. or you didn't go to bed yet. you are funny.

>now you are just trolling
what? I lived in Texas before I came to Russia. it's absolutely normal there to carry a handgun on your person daily.
>why are up so early on sunday.
no idea man. I only slept maybe 5 hours.