Why did God give the Europa people low melanine eyes?
>fact: people don't wear sun protect eyewears often here
>fact: sunlight is 100x stronger in Europe than my country
Why did God give the Europa people low melanine eyes?
>fact: people don't wear sun protect eyewears often here
>fact: sunlight is 100x stronger in Europe than my country
I went to Berlin in he middle of a heatwave were it was 30-35 all day
Stayed in the sun for about 4 days straight to see the city. I went a bit red but otherwise didn't burn. I didn't realise just how weak European sun was its fucking crazy. And im pasty as fuck.
Cause God is a retard who doesnt exist
Im from northern Spain and rarely used sunglassed until i moved to Madrid.
Now i have moved to the Canary Islands and even have to wear my sunglasses indoors sometimes ;_;
Sunlight can be felt strong in the winter too.
it's not about temperature.
I dont get sunglasses if its not for fashion. You dont look directly in the sun anyways so why wear them?
Kids wear sunscreen every day! Sun damages your skin and you wont have nice skin as you get older.
For example wibter in Madrid is sunny af, and since the sun is low is always hurting your eyes.
Its pretty cold also tho.
It's overcast here 80% of the time
Might be just random, some dude was born with blue eyes thousands of years ago around the black sea and the gene remained.
Sun also damges your eyes, notnonly your skin. Enjoy your glaucoma.
Also, move to the south and you will see how you NEED sunglasses almost everyday.
Not to mention Canary Island, where you will need sunglases (and get sunburn) even when its cloudy.
I have to wear sunglasses even in the middle of a storm, or when the sun is going down.
Am I white yet?
White people is only meant to live in places with no sunlight
They burn under sun, they blind when they don't wear sunglasses
>Sun also damges your eyes, notnonly your skin. Huh didnt know, might get sunglasses for the summer then
We are half vampires.
How are you so stupid that you didn't know the sun can damage your eye?
asians evloved in ice age from siberia
where are aryans orginally from in europe?
Pretty much true
If white population was extremely low Europeans just fit perfectly into all traits of vampire, other than maybe they don't suck blood very often
Still, Spain's not white though so no worries
Just squint
I thought only if you where directly looking in the sun. Sunglasses are pretty new and humans in the past did just fine without sunglasses
Doesn't Australia get 40°C and higher temperatures?
No, not even remotely. Human vision over-all has improved tremendously in the past few centuries.
>Extended exposure to the sun's UV rays has been linked to eye damage, including cataracts, macular degeneration, pingueculae, pterygia and photokeratitis that can cause temporary vision loss.
It usually won't get bad unless you stare at the sun like a retard, but even having an extended period of time where it it is just in your field of view is a bad thing. It's why US military issues sun-glasses for example.
>high melatonined spanish
Second part was retard bait, but honestly didnt know it. Thanks my burger friend
>Sunglasses are pretty new and humans in the past did just fine without sunglasses
Not really, the Inuit people used "glasses" with small slits to protect from sunlight and the Chinese wore actual sunglasses made from quartz in the 12th century.
They're made to prevent glare and such as well, even asphalt reflecting light can damage your eyes.
yeah, the east coast of Australia where most people live isn't that bad though apart from Brisbane
Perth, Darwin and Brisbane are the ones where the temperature is a bit uncomfortable, with Perth being fucking hot but dry, Brisbane being humid and Darwin being hot and humid. People living there are the only ones with any right to complain about weather. Melbourne and Sydney are European tier
They lack ozone up there.
Sun is kill in australia, as everything else for that matter.
>very often
>Melbourne and Sydney are European tier
>Sydney recently set a record at 47.4C
>consistent 30-35C in """"""autumn"""""" until this week
>European tier
this year has been an anomaly
UV radiation affects both your skin and your eyes.
I live near Sao Paulo and we never get near that..
its becoming the new norm. Our country's entire farming belt is moving south because of climate change
Europeans didn't emerge in Europe.
They were born in Central Asia and moved there.
Light eyed - light haired caucasians had spread continuously from Europe to modern day Gansu, China in the ancient times but later most of them apart from Europeans were replaced by the Turks and the Persians.
and Europe's climate isn't changing either? you're a bit retarded mate
you're unironically trying to use a freak summer that was far beyond anything seen in what's the most temperate region of mainland Australia since European settlement as the new standard for NSW weather.
Im basque. As Neanderthal as it gets.
As said, im basque mixed with other northern spain blood, all non moor conquered areas.
We are tipically very light skinned with dark hair and eyes.