Is any part of Western Europe safe to visit?

Is any part of Western Europe safe to visit?

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no, it's too close to africa hell continent, very dangerous.

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Green countries are way more dangerous than western Europe



>more dangerous than germany

Now that the snow melts and the ice thaws the muslims will go outside again. This means we are entering Jihad season. Not a good time to visit.

But this is the only time of year I can get there. The only two international flights my airport gets are summer only

I'd recommend Balkans user. Hrvaska in particular.

I second this, Croatia and Slovenia are really nice to visit, most people are really nice but the party/tourist areas are getting increasingly worse.

>Questioning whether it's wise
but why? are you one of those retarded burgers that think almost all european countries are filled with rapefugees and crime?

not even worth a (you)

I agree. For instance Dubrovnik is a magnificent place but also it is a turist hellhole. Still worth to see.


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I am suspicious of anything west of the Berlin Wall

Also, exclude Kaliningrad. It is a super shithole. Look at it on Google Maps. I have been there, their staircases stink of cats pee and I'm dead serious about it. I have also seen cows eating grass in front of commie blocks lol.

>the party/tourist areas are getting increasingly worse
It's because of the changing nature of tourism in cities. For example, in Split. Used to be you'd have mostly German, Czech and Polish families coming down for a quiet vacation by the seaside. But that's in the past. Now you mostly seem to get 20-something americans who came here to party (well, and Chinese, but Chinese aren't really a problem). They just want alcohol, drugs and women. But shit, they don't know how to drink, they don't know the proper measure. So they fuck themselves up and go around being generally disruptive and obnoxious. It's partly because our city, in its infinite wisdom, chose to market itself as a party destination and host Ultra several years in a row. My only solace is that tourists don't know the actual hotspots in the city, so they go to shitty overpriced clubs instead of the places where we go to drink and have fun.
Also, there's just too many tourists for our roads. It's not something that can be fixed, either. The roads on the coast lead mostly through inhabited areas because the seaside is peppered with small towns (rarely more than 1000 inhabitants). Not only that, but you mostly have houses on both sides of the road. That means there is no way to expand the roads or to increase the speed limit. We have a fixed limit of tourist traffick the roads and facilities can support, but we regularly exceed it, and that's terrible for everyone. You also have great trouble renting a house (which you need if you don't have the money to buy one), because many landlords prefer tourists because they spend more money.
I just want our industry back, lads.

Only for non-whites and faggots

It was a matter of time, cheap, safe med countries are bound to be overrun by chav subhumans.
It has been happening to us since the 60s, just create a designated containment city for them like magaluf and you can get some normal tourists back.
t. Spaniard

>t. Drumpftard who gets all his news about Europe from Fox and Breitbart

Come on now, you are overreacting if you think Lofoten is unsafe.

I didn't fill in every little island. Come on.

well meme'd bro XD

Europe isn't safe for you. Go to Mexico or Canada

no fuck off

yeah so it will be incredibly dangerous for OP then

>tfw your city is the designated containment city
They also rent at small towns to escape the higher prices and drive to the relevant cities. Nowhere is safe.

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Ukraine is little Russia, the same or maybe even bigger level of corruption and crime. Be careful.

>Green countries are way more dangerous than western Europe

It is only partially true.

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Are your women any less whorish? More importantly, can I guarantee myself a polish qt like I can a ukie through an american agency?

>Are your women any less whorish? More importantly, can I guarantee myself a polish qt like I can a ukie through an american agency?

I suppose that women in Ukraine/Russia/Belarus are few times cheaper, considering their economical situation. Polish women are very accustomed to foreigners from the West because Poland receives around 20 mln of them every year as tourists, meanwhile in Ukraine/Russia/Belarus people from the West are a drop in the sea of Chinks and other Asians who flood Russia, so the more you travel East, the bigger chance that you would be considered as "special".

I'm pretty sure these statistics are flawed. It's different from country to country how sexual harassment is perceived. In Sweden, anything can be sexual harassment, where in Poland, sexual harassment is literally rape (I'm not sure about Poland, I'm just guessing).

My point was that generally Russia/Ukraine/Belarus - all this postsoviet sphere - is the same shit in terms of crime, corruption and so on. So if you travel to Poland/Czech Republic/Slovakia, you can feel the same as in the West, but if you travel to the "wild east", you need to be careful, and you should better travel there with friend for your own personal safety, or have a friend who lives there and could accompany you. It is basically "different world". Lack of infrastructure, a lot of crime, bribery is very popular and sometimes you can't deal with even most simples matters without bribing officials. I traveled a lot in the East, so i know what i am talking about.

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Ukraine is totally safe you moron. It's the same like Poland.

Yes, Taras, i believe you xD

I've been to Czech once, both on the countryside and in Prague. I liked the former most, prague felt overpopulated, filled with beggars, homeless people, you name it. But I can imagine that what you're saying is true. Let's hope that the negatives will deteriorate fast.

>filled with beggars, homeless people
All cities are like that, the cops detain drunks outside my convenience store on the daily. I just want to be sure I won't get stabbed or robbed. The drunks around here don't really bother anybody.

All western Europe is safer than US, you have few dangerous zones just like there, are you retarded?

So where are the dangerous zones?

just don't go to the migrant neighborhoods and take care in the public transport with the pickpockets, that's all

>Are your women any less whorish? More importantly, can I guarantee myself a polish qt like I can a ukie through an american agency?

Black Americans are treated as gods in Poland. Every Polish girl dreams about American BBC, i am not even kidding. If you are white, your chances are smaller, unfortunately, so you should travel to Poland with a black friend to increase it.

>All cities are like that
I wanna compare it with Copenhagen, but Copenhagen is signifigantly smaller. Prague tops the list of homeless people in my experience, I think I've seen two in Copenhagen during my lifetime, and I only stayed in Prague for 2-3 days.

I lived in Ukraine and now I live in Poland so I know better than you.

There is no corruption in Ukraine among ordinary people, only politicians might be corrupt but it doesn't affect an average tourist.

I would highly recommend visiting Switzerland or Norway. And I would like to emphasize the country itself and not the people. Anything else west from Poland is not worth time if you're not Chinese so taking picture and tagging your location is not a life and death deal. Eastern Europe is different. You might not like it in the end, but it's sure gonna be more interesting than literally going to Eastern States of America being an American. I can recommend Czech Republic or Ukraine for it's cheap as fuck

Chicago, Detroit, Compton, Philadelphia, DC, Baltimore, any place that has cops

I know where the danger zones are in burgerland you imbecile, I do live here after all

I have relatives in Liechtenstein but that country is 10% muslim I hear so i'm just a little paranoid even about that region


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atlanta, ale gustu to ty nie masz za grosz


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I'm discounting the entire UK so don't post any more of their cities.

how cucked are you? why are you so afraid of muslims? can you not defend yourself?

Not in Europe I can't. You of all people should know that

How do you defend an exploding kamikaze?


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No, we have daily terrorist truck attacks and mafia shootouts in the streets, and the Nigerian immigrant packs rape anything with a pulse they meet on their way. Stay the hell out of Italy

If he tried to defend himself against Muslims in Sweden, he would have to go to jail for racism and his embassy would have to apology for it

I am not interested in Paris so much as I am in a town 90 minutes due south of Paris where my family name supposedly originated. I don't really imagine it's that bad of a terrorist trap but it's in the Centre region

Then just take advantage of it, fuck the most decent slags and get into fights with them, english are pussies and usually are too drunk to actually punch you.

Small inner cities in France are safe, only the border with Belgium, Switzerland, Germany and Italy, the mediterranean cities and Paris are "dangerous", but really other than pickpockets you are safe

>Americans genuinely believe that going outside in Western Europe isn't safe anymore

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>is it safe to visit?


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Please stay out of Europe. Stay on your containment colony.


You are not welcome here, yankee.

The government is paying your rent if you want

You just need to be registered at job seekers office

Its their lifestyle choice

And Prague is only big anonymous city so all of them are concentrated in Prague

Haha how is OP so cucked

with how much of a poof you seem to be, I doubt any qt will give you the time of day unless you pay.

>tfw terror free among neighbours

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Want to visit Poland, but mother says that it may be dangerous. I speak Polish.

Poland is dangerous for Russians indeed. But it's your fault.

>it's another episode of dumb shit retarded burgers actually believing that Est**rn ""Europe"" is a """nicer""" and """"""safe"""""" place to visit
We get attacked by more Poles than Mohammed

in 1985 italy was bombed by islamist at airports

Because you have like 10 times more Poles than Mohammeds

no, so you'd better stay the hell away from here

Exactly, imagine a whole COUNTRY of you cunts

>99.7% of refugees commit no crime
You'll be fine, OP.

Poles in Poland don't behave like Poles in Ireland.

Just like muslims in their home countries aren't as bad as muslims in Europe.

It's because it's mostly scum people who move abroad.

Eastern Europe is safe only if you're:

1. white
2. male
3. heterosexual
4. christian

Of course all these criteria must be fulfilled jointly.

Otherwise, don't come here.

Tourists should be killed and raped. Brits should be blown out of the sky in their Easyjet. Fuck you all. b-but weed lmao xD

Here are hated only arabs and gypsies and sometimes blacks because they are selling drugs to tourists

Everyone else is fine. Actually religious people are weirdos here

Here is the power rankings

1. White from WE or US, Canada, NZ, Australia
2.white from rest asians japan, korea
4.latinos of asians

Czechia is not Eastern Europe

Everything east of germany is eastern Europe

Poor Finland and Austria.

lad if anything i want to stay home because bugs and fucking mosquitos starts invading the entire land.

You should take a break from Jow Forums, it's clearly messing with your head.

Just avoid no go zones

>sweden and belgium not in a million years
>will happily go to Belarus
this is why people think Americans are dumb

Finland is Asia

it's only safe for locals or if you manage to look poor, tourists get bum-rushed in France.
That's why asians keep getting mugged, people think they're chinese and have cash or nice phones

>fucking Ukraine is safer than germany, uk, Sweden
Ah Americans....

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Brussel is a giant arab ghetto

Malmo is Detroit tier with gangs throwing granades

>I am not interested in Paris so much as I am in a town 90 minutes due south of Paris where my family name supposedly originated. I don't really imagine it's that bad of a terrorist trap but it's in the Centre region

frankish americans are documented to be the dumbest of all americans

None of you are exceptional on the bell curve so that doesn't really say much

This is proof people on here actually never leave their country and or believe the memes too much

Slovakia is pretty ok and pretty safe

You have autism. Absolute autism.

actually true, Hunagry has vastly more Balkanites and Gypsies and Poland suffers from Bydlos both foreign and native.

>30 years ago

most murders in italy are either mob executions or men killing their wives
just don't get caught in the crossfire m8

This is something someone with little money and or little education say and honestly I am perfectly fine not having these people as tourists.

Americans are even worse than Chinese tourists. Chinese dont annoy you with stupid questions at the least.