Rome is north or south?

Rome is in the limbo?

South italians says it is a shithole.
North italians says it is a shithole.

i think is a beauty city, but it's pretty dirty because of tourism and their citizens.

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Rome is south italy

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Shit, the south is more extense than i thought... i thought it was like that

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North Italy is the Po Valley and Milan's sphere of influence. South Italy is everything else and is Rome and Naples's sphere of influence.

Sotto al Po tutti teroni
South of Po river it's lazy tuscans, papalist romans and leones.

Tuscans are not that bad

t. milanese

Drier than you, Sebastiano

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There is no clear boundary, so meme lovers can have fun.
The "real" south anyway is south of Rome, technically Rome is center.

4 italians in my thread and they aren't fighting each others yet... it's a new record

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It looks like it's in the middle to me.

Rome is considered center Italy, a place in between the north and the south, with Rome being more similar to the south and Tuscany to the north.

Also it is a shithole, but it's also the most beautiful city in the world.

I'm very far up north east, unlike the venetian vermin you jerk off to.


Only because northeners wake upeearly even on sundays, you get used to it because of this "work" habit we have here

Do Romans try to act all smug towards both the North and the South like Madrileans.

At what time do they wake up?

daily reminder that Central Italy is a meme created by Romans to try and distanciate themselves from their terone roots

That only happen in the hispanic world.

My friends from Saudi Calabria often have a bowl of milk and biscuits for breakfast, then move it aside and begin having lunch. I'll let you figure out a proper hour (spoiler ends with 4)

No, the smug italians are in the north, the ones from turin and milan are the worst.
Most bro tier are tuscans, romans and sardinians.
I could not tell you about the south but they seem to be like the perros andaluces.

we do hate that the real capital is supposed to be here but all the action is actually happening in milano, and hate being close to naples and their untermensch

Living the fucking dream

They do try, but everyone laughs at them

Turin is pretty smug, Milan has no time for bullshit: too busy making money


wtf Turin is the most plebean city of northern italy, not smug at all

They consider themselv pretty special snowflakes, I think you don't understand the word smug terone di merda

Really my only source for these claims are my experiences with them, they dressed pretty fucking well too.

they dont, Milan does though, Turin is all terroni and communists

>they dressed pretty fucking well

sorry but eve the paesants in a remote calabrian village in the mountains dress better than americans

You've never lived in Turin, but your terone family migrated there from Calabria and you visit them once a year for Christmas dinner, I get it.

It's ok, you're trying.

i lived on both Milan and Turin i know what Im talking about

>There is day in italy while you still have to lost time sleeping

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it's central Italy, but Romans generally behave like southerners. Southern Lazio is culturally closer to Campania than Tuscany, due to geographical and historical reasons

not him but I live in Turin and everyone here is either a southerner, an immigrant or someone from Piedmont outside Turin

I am from Spain though.
I am in a midwestern city, and you are right, even the arabs dress better than them.

no it's to classify Tuscans, Umbri and Marchigiani. Romans were lucky the unification happened and Rome was chosen to be capital or else they'd be Salerno-tier just like in the early 1800s


Pero user no soy un panchito de mierda.
Postearia el dni pero naci en un pueblo y me doxearias facilmente.

Seguro que hasta se te olvida el español y vas al beisbol y estas engordando y te vistes como un niño pequeño y esas cosas.

And Torinesi aren't fucking smug to you.

>Seguro que hasta se te olvida el español
No, pero el frances si.
>vas al beisbol
A veces, pero solo porque le gusta a mi novia, es un coñazo.
>estas engordando
He adelgazado como 5 kilos, mi dieta consistia basicament en pan y jamon serrano, aqui solo hay pan malo y el jamon es patetico.
>te vistes como un niño pequeño
No, pero alguna camisa hawaiana hortera si he pillado.

yeah, also because they have little to be smug about

You clearly haven't talked with locals, only with meridionale immigrants. They consider themselves the best, because of their Savoia roots. Anyway sticazzi, ciao terone fuorisede.

Northern """"""Italians"""""""

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you can't take those people seriously, Savoia were a pathetic dynasty

>fregiarsi di essere sabaudi

Cancro vero come i Borbonici


volverás con acento mexicano, 100% chance

South of Po start the barbarians' lands, Toscana and Emilia-Romagna are terronia

>being for monarchy is good

>100% chance
Ecuatoriano de tetuan confirmado

Aragones viviendo toda la vida en Madrid, es culpa de internet ...

te he pillado tiraflechas, a ese cuento con otro

>being obsessed with clothing
What a womanly attribute