Hello, if any african countries would like to be interviewed by me please ask

hello, if any african countries would like to be interviewed by me please ask.

I am trying to find which african country is the best.

Countries interviewed so far: Sudan, Kenya, Malawi

links to the Kenya and Sudan Interviews

Attached: sd.gif (16x11, 556)

ask /fr/

Jesus. Autism/10

Lemme know if you ever interview Mauritius. I'd wager it's the best.

will do

most insane interviews would be South Sudanese, very bro-tier congenial and always have great stories

Ethiopia, Eritrea too - never seen Central dudes. Nigeria, Ghana and other westerners probably had enough of this site long ago

the was a mauritius on int recently

Some ethiopian were on /his/ yesterday

>Jow Forums


>no africans appear except for ones ive already done



ok, where do you live in azerbaijan? do you like living there?

Baku. No and yes. Corruption, less opportunities and islam is shit. Yes, because it is where i was born and all my friends are here

what do you do for a living?

University + tourist guide
future researcher (hopes)

how would you describe your government? strong and democratic? corrupt and dictator-like?

corrupt and dictator-like+ oil money+ shittiest location

are you thinking of moving out of azerbaijan?

no, i am not a pussy. i can move out to study masters or work for 3-4 years. But will live here eventually

finally, would you say going to azerbaijan for travel would be worthwhile and exciting?

depends on what you are interested in.
If you like mountains, history, beaches yes.
if you want to fuck women, you will either get prostitutes or std( or both)
if you like bars and beer, yes.
but language barrier is real, get a translator or a guide. (not saying because i work as such :D )

thank you for your time, i will consider going to azerbaijan one day