How do I find new coins that actually will skyrocket?

So I just did some calculation and found out I could've easily broke the $1mil in profit if I wouldve traded my BTC into ADA before crypto rocketed in January.

However, I am just holding for years now so I don't read up about new coins too much.
But calculating this made me see the potential in exchanging to new upcoming coins.

How do I find coins like this in time?
I am a long time holder but I am not too experienced in identifying what new coins are worth investing in.

Anyone here who invested into ADA before the skyrocket who can tell me how he identified the upcoming success of ADA?

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Well Ada is not worth the pump it got so it's a bad example.

Can you name me a good example?

Eth obviously
And Monero, dash, zcash

The next big things might be skycoin, Zcoin

But ADA went from 0,02USD to 1USD while ETH went from like $300 to $1000.

Percentage wise the ADA profit would've been way higher. What am I not getting here?

also dash is a scam

the user pulls shit out of his ass and tries to sound smart
youre missing nothing

you're not going to want to miss this one

Attached: we_were_born_to_make_the_fairy_tale_come_true.png (628x926, 868K)

That eth was 5$ when it already had the most developers, books about it and companies like Microsoft behind it.

OP you are not missing anything but there were only like 5 coins that really mooned. So chances are you would've put your money into one of the 1000 shitcoins that go to 0 and you lose all your stack. You need a lot of nerve to stay in a slowly consolidating shitcoin, hoping that it will get a pump one day

already mooned 50 000 x (!)

Also literally everyone is trying to do this btw so you get complete shitcoins that have not shown any functionality or partnerships whatsoever, and they randomly get pumped to 25 billion (example: EOS).
Its really impossible to know what the next moon is because you sure as hell cant use fundamentals to make the call

There's also the ehical question - are you willing to invest in a coin with no fundamentals with a purpose to just take money from normis?

If you were paying attention at the time ADA was an easy one.

some other millionaire makers was like.... XRB/Nano before it blew up; it was only on like one exchange and it was sketch af (some friends lost thousands cause of the bitgrail bs).

I snagged some RVN. It's only on CBridge right now and came out a month ago on the markets. It's got a lot of upside. It might take a while but it's my next personal call for x20+ in btc value.

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You’re not, don’t take advice from Jow Forums

ADA was the better investment. It will be again in a few months


got in ADA at like 0.007, to be honest its just fundamentals, I knew Charles from other projects, read into IOHK. Good projects are obvious man.


RDN, LSK, PIVX, KMD. Take your pick user

Go ZENCash before it rockets then.

IOHK is partnering with them so this could be your next opportunity.

Misread the question. Look for coins with a use case, a usp, partnerships, no big premine, rational total supply and price around $1-10 or less. Example, KMD for DICO, LISK for partnerships, RDN for scaling solution and PIVX because XMR will get flipped and privacy coins are the way to mass adoption. GL.

skycoin and zcoin are both scams you fucking pajeet