Everybody I know complains about the USA all the time. The Murrifats, the Murrijews, the expats...

Everybody I know complains about the USA all the time. The Murrifats, the Murrijews, the expats. If it's so bad thten why they all went to live there and not in Europe?

Attached: 1475603478001.jpg (453x604, 17K)

is that a finnish boy on the left

How can such an uggo get such a cute gf?

Yes with his british gf

How can two boys can make love ? You need one hole and one baton for this. 2 batons can't work

>OP's face when every post in this thread is focused on the thumbnail and not a single post addresses what he wrote

How much did he pay her


Damn i'm dumb

looks like the bruxa from the witcher

that wasn't what was implied gerard

Keep in mind he followed expats with
>If it's so bad thten why they all went to live there and not in Europe?
Wtf Israel we shill for all the time you can't even hire someone that can speak fix spelling midttake

They each have one hole and one baton.



They scrub their batons together

Strongly underrated

i wish i could find a bf that cute

Every Jew I know complains about Europe all the time. The German Jews, the Polish Jews, the Russian Jews. If it's so bad then why they all went to live there and not in Israel?

Demons I would like to be that guy and fuck her day and night


daddy israel saves us again! thank you greatest ally!

Are those siblings? Pls say yes. Tqvm.

If this man can do it, I have nothing to fear