Ultimate Portfolio for 2018 Bull Run

You must pick one of these three-coin portfolios.
There are seven portfolios to choose from.
You must hold until EOY 2019 or until Bitcoin hits $100K (whichever comes first).
You cannot swing trade or mix and match coins - it must be one of these seven portfolios to buy, accumulate and hold.

Which portfolio do you choose anons?

(if you don't choose the Transcendent portfolio you better give a very fucking good reason)

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kys pajeet

This is the ultimate portfolio:

Make one 50 percent Link, 25 percent REQ with the rest in shitcoin moonshots and I'm in, lol

If LINK isn't listed as all 3 coins for every tier, then your chart is invalid and null.

Back to the drawing board you go

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Probably normie tier, for the pure reason of it's the only one guaranteed to make it

>100% Vechain
cus transcendent portfolio is literally fucking 2/3 vaporware and 3/3 shitcoin
jesus christ

>This is the ultimate portfolio: NANO SKY EOS
That's the Transcendent portfolio dude, but you spelt XRP wrong.

XRP is shit tho. If NANO isn't listed the portfolio isn't valid.

My linky stays extra stinky $nameyourprice eoy.

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>If LINK isn't listed as all 3 coins for every tier, then your chart is invalid and null.
LINK is a Jow Forums meme and appears in the Jow Forums portfolio with the other Jow Forums meme coins.
For god's sake man, you linkies couldn't even get the get. Lost it to a literal pajeet fag.
I hold some link, but it's the only coin that isn't mooning right now. Might need to dump these bags.


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Sump away. We'll fly better without your doubt.

Nano has literally died. Kucoin is a graveyard from which coins never recover. Just look at it. Everything else moons but Nano is dead in the water (along with with LINK and REQ). And REQ is so bad that it didn't even make Plebbit tier.

BTC/ETH/OMG/EOS/STRAT and some LINK and you're rich EOY

REQ at the super secret tier?

1. EOS - The Ultimate DAPP Platform
2. SKY - The New Decentralized Internet
3. XRP - The New Global Currency

normie tier for me

Normie tier was right in 2016-2017. Now it won't be that good. Especially for Litecoin, that's shit tier.


REQ - 20%
NEO - 70%
ARK - 10%

20% ETH

>2 not cryptos and an obvious scam

To make it EOY:
30% JNT
30% LINK
20% ETH
20% OMG
You listed 3 garbage tier scam coins, SKY and EOS are both brainlet tier buys, and XRP will NEVER be used by any bank in any sort of capacity and if you think otherwise you are literally fucking RETARDED.

JNT better be listed on non-shit exchanges sometime soon. Otherwise good portfolio


He who speak in absolutes end up wrong, absolutely.


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Ultimate three coin portfolio is ARK IOTA and XRP. Prove me wrong.

Icx aion cpx


The holy trinity.


I would select the god tier portfolio because ICX is the best crypto on the market fundamentally. By far.


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What do your ARK tokens do?


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Gives me daily extra money

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100 percent colx


You’re missing Omni-tier with REQ.

Ability to spend them directly on other blockchains instead of exchanging them with an added bonus of getting them monthly for free.

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I believo in the Vivo $100 EOM

Steem will probably always be low key. Nobody notices it will it quietly crushes most coins on the market.

God tier even though I'm not a fan of ADA. Plasma and Icon are looking pretty positive this year and I'm sure ADA will pump even though it's garbage. The rest are shitcoins besides the obvious.

going all in on OMG desu


Transcendent all the way, Skycoin will destroy everything, it already went more than 2x in 2 weeks.

out of those 3?


If i had to choose my own personaly?



>3. XRP - The New Global Currency
Fuck no. No one outside crytpo cares about fiat alternatives. No one inside crypto wants a centeralized coin. The company is setting up a seperate network for banks to use because XRP is just proof of concept and banks want something less volatile to use the tech.
It's complete trash.

no AST? kek

All in on tron

Ary gvt

>you missed one

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all in BBN

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>xrp being anything other than plebbit tier

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Walton, of course

33% BTC (to the moon)
17% ETH (hopeful for PoS)
50% KeKL (Kekistanis gotta eat)

I'm gonna make it

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What a faggot. No mention of the best which has sharding in 2018, Zilliqa (ZIL).

>welcome to the xrp hate club

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>8888888 GET

if you switched OMG and ripple I would agree. I'm still willing to get stuck with ripple for skycoin, and eos is not complete suicide. depends on if I have to go 33/33/33.

transcendent but 88/11/1 in sky/eos/xrp

Repeat after me:


I try so hard to help this board.

too bad you're retarded. the blind leading the blind

lol I do hold a bunch of TRX and BCH fuckkk

Should I hop on this, or follow the BBN meme?

Y'all fools know nothing !
Reddit ruined your lives.

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Looks like biz ruined yours faggot.

Why aren’t you holding any upfiring while you’re at it?

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>XRP will NEVER be used by any bank
It's already happening. Big announcements coming soon. Also, Amazon.

I trust my Jow Forums frens for advice, true. Jow Forums are the jews of the internet, true.
Also I trust my coins in the long run and I am sure I will totally fuck it up if I ride coins.
I basicly follow some rules though:
-If shit is too complex for my understanding, I am in (chainlink)
-If shit is related to money, I am in ( Req and Omg)
-Give normies a chance, small one (Nano)
Feel good and optimistic. Still down €10k,
but in two weeks I think I will be on par.

>No one inside crypto wants a centeralized coin
"XRP is centralized" is a meme. It's actually more decentralized than many coins including BTC, ETH and NEO. And it's becoming more decentralized every day. If Ripple the company vanished tomorrow, XRP would still be around forever.

>if you switched OMG and ripple I would agree. I'm still willing to get stuck with ripple for skycoin, and eos is not complete suicide.
SKY is my top hold. I think it's going to come out of nowhere and storm up the marketcap charts this year. Most people still haven't heard of it, and those who have heard of it think it's some sort of scam. Feels comfy to be holding SKY so early before the normies and plebbitors know about it. I will be getting myself a Skyminer as soon as the new ones are released too.

I actually hold all 15 coins from Jow Forums tier up, but weighted more heavily towards the Transcendent end.