
Edition: Sunday night with the lads

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fucking niggers


always knew you had secret powers lad

The Finnish Refugee Council handed out awards to a women's rights activist from Iraq and a young Afghan who helped victims of the August 2017 Turku stabbing attack.

Farik escaped from Iraq after her husband was killed and she was threatened for her women’s rights activism. She came to Finland in 2000 and now works to help immigrant women integrate in the Helsinki region.

Hosseini, a 19-year-old nursing student who lives in Kaarina, helped victims after last summer’s stabbings in Turku. He arrived as an asylum seeker from Afghanistan in 2015, and is active in the We See You group, which campaigns for just asylum policies in Finland.

Making the announcements in Helsinki on Tuesday, the Refugee Council said that both have sought to draw attention to the reasons why people become refugees and the notion that no-one leaves their home country unless they have to. And, alongside their own integration, they have supported other immigrants to get a new start, the NGO said.

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>saffer comes back
>able to make a new
REALLY made me do a VERY big think

based saffer

ah, It's another
>no new emails
>no new messages
>no new text or calls

Just asked some virgin freak what all this incel business was about. He said "nothing to do with me." A mealy mouthed reply.

now posting is fucked


the great normie war

Can someone post the Deano copypasta, please?

cannae make a post

alri lads

yeh i can

just brushed my teeth

󠇦 entered

do finns favour asiatic immigrants?

my mother? let me tell you about my mother...

*shoots you*

>Error: Upload failed.




REALLY rate killing myself but i feel like i should at least lose my virginity first

the incel problem will ultimately be solved by sexbots and advanced AI that can simulate a gf
incels and autists are the kind of men who will manage to get past the uncanny valley and enjoy the companionship. it's basically an advanced version of their anime waifus.

it will also dramatically change the sexual marketplace. sexbots, and we all know the vast majority of these sexbots will be women bots aimed for men, will make the total number of women in society a majority over men. a lot of men will choose to have sexbot gfs, meaning that the natural women will have to compete with the robots for fear of losing the men. one way they can do this is by choosing to date men that aren't chads. their expectations of men will go down. and so, the problem we face now will be solved.

that is if feminists don't get their way in banning sexbots.

give me death

Today telegram had worldwide problems too

I know I've got no chance of doing that so I might as well just violently commit suicide

thinking about bjork, listening to bjork, might have a wank in a bit.......

>Saffa can make threads

What sorcery is this and what was the price

xo gossip girl

don't do it, etc.

what are some good ad libs

No, Finns aren't racist. Any person form anywhere can become successful in Finland.

filtering the word incel
actually how do I do that?

yeah that's what my dad did when he was 33
shagged a prossie then went off to scotland to try and kill himself
he changed his mind though and became a fairly normal person after that
(nb: I was conceived when my dad was 39)


what happened to caralad?

you have to get your incel filter license

wish the US under Woodrow Wilson usurped the British Empire



looked at this video of a nice lass named riley reid and now willy is filled with blood
dunno if it's life threatening or not

Janny got off his fat arse and flicked the On/Off /brit/ button

he had to let me suck him off before I let him make a thread

you've got a brain
just ignore posts that you don't like

Stop watching porn, Chaim

very autistic post

Just saw a news report about Gibraltar...HOLY FUCK IT'S BEAUTIFUL. Why the hell isn't everyone of you moving there? It's literally your culture but in a sunnier, warmer and more beautiful place.
I wish Sweden had such territories.

>ever getting more then the queen and crisps thread


Incels are so pathetic. Like there's a problem with the world and it's the fault of others for their social rejection or incredibly physical unattractiveness. Absolutely zero charm, wit, social graces or appealing features. What appealing features they might have are drowned by their own insecurity anyway so they might as well not exist. Admitting your inferiority to women and begging for attention. True mysogynists get plenty of sex because they target weak and vulnerable women and openly belittle them and treat them as objects. That's a real man.

lmao imagine being this pathetic
boasting over a football team to get your revenge on britain
not to mention the comedy of moving to britain to avoid "british terror"
god i fucking hate these runts

how do I filter this dickhead? []

let me reiterate: ignore posts that you don't like

>they might as well not exist

Incels btfo

Look at the size of this fucking blister lads

Haha fucking paddies.


you used to have some west african, caribbean territories and then a bit of shitty sandy pine forest and marshland in south jersey

why does rorke say all muslims are to blame for a terrorist attack yet refuses to take responsibility for his fellow incels actions?

do you think martha and the muffins ever made it to echo beach? it's been like 40 years

>"It's rich people fault im poor"
Everyone agrees or at least entertains the idea

>"It's attractive peoples fault I cant find a partner"
nothing but ridicule and ostrisising

reckon jim carrey is the new american psycho

Rather go to Alicante tbqh

>irish too stupid to fix thatch roofs


Went to a super busy restaurant today and was completely anxiety free (no benzos)

my fucking self-medication is working wew

just find an ugly girl
really quite simple innit


this is a really good video


>Last seen: Friday

getting increasingly worried
I think she has literally died

why did he piss on her lads

incel more like bincel lmao

can't remember if i get anxiety going to restaurants or not



I've been there, it's not as nice as you're making out. and those barbary apes bite

need the gf to lose weight

losing attraction to her

*knocks you down*

>social anxiety = ugly unwanted freak


Very nice lad
don't have a problem with anxiety, but don't really have much to say about anything at any point in a social situation tbqh
unless the conversation happens to be something of interest to me deeply
Is that normal? Can't never be arsed to feign interest in anything the other person talks about otherwise tbqh

it's funny for men to piss on women
I did it once when I was at uni and there was this passed out slag sleeping outside a mcdonalds, so I just got my dick out and took a piss on her
she woke up eventually and was like "WHAT THE FUCK OH MY GOD" and tried to swing at me but I ran off laughing with my mates

going to kill you

I have a gf, but thats like telling a homeless person to get a home

I motion to replace firewood with the bodies of incels

True Finns Party's Hakkarainen charged with assaulting and sexually harassing fellow MP

Controversial Finns Party MP Teuvo Hakkarainen is to face charges over an incident last year in which he 'forcefully kissed' National Coalition Party (NCP) MP Veera Ruoho in parliament during a Christmas party. The trial will be held at Helsinki District court.

The alleged assault occurred at a cafe at parliament when Hakkarainen had stepped out of a Finns Party Christmas celebration held in the building. Witnesses said the sawmill owner-turned-politician had grabbed Ruoho by the neck and attempted to kiss her.

"His grip was such that I was scared for my neck and my mouth hurt as well," said Ruoho, who subsequently reported the incident to police.

Ruoho is a former Olympian and Finnish Taekwondo champion.

bro...... i've seen shit you wouldn't even believe dude.......

i saw these radical attack ships in flames, totally man, off the shoulders of orion........

dude....... you KNOW i've seen c beams glitter like mother fucking fairy dust near the tannhauser gate bro...... shit was cash

all these moments will be lost in time, kinda like when you cry and its raining and you cant tell whats tears and whats rain or some gay shit like that dude............. you know what im sayin dawg.....

time to die bro.....


There's this girl at toil who's clearly into me, but I wont do anything because I'm too autistic, don't want people to find out I'm a virgin freak and frankly not attracted to her (very fat and once had bloody hairs coming out of her chin, guess she forgot to wax)


i've seen this linked dozens of times. imagine being this pathetic that you seem to go on this over and over again and get mad about it because you are autistic or mentally unusual or something

why would you lie on the internet lad

please do

business idea: universal basic gfs

reporting this to the police

>you used to have some west african, caribbean territories
Yeah we sold them to fucking France. However if your ancestors lived there you can apparently live there for free as a tourist or something. I know
someone who did that
>tfw my ancestors were northern farmers and not colonizers

>and then a bit of shitty sandy pine forest and marshland in south jersey
all taken by the D*tch I believe

never heard of it

alright, well it looked amazing. I definately want to visit

i find it hard to maintain conversations sometimes. just dont know what to say.

nah its like a homeless person moaning about getting rained on because he doesnt want to sleep under a bridge


Not enough.

you so
fucking precious
when you