Wait for the normies to fomo when they announce the unionpay deal

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Easiest moon mission of 2018.

Most of BBN investors prob does not even know the connection between BBN, HPB, LRC and CPC lol

explain for everyone then if you are so smart

UnionPay Smart confirmed BBN 1000k EOY

this is smart

HPB and LRC are angel investors to BBN

yes, this is clear, it's on the home page of their website

Then why do you need spoonfeeding you dumb nigger?

i dont, biz does


If bbn main ad campaign is saying it has a link to HPB don’t you think HPB needs to get big first to give crediability to your USP

BBN is just undervalued in comparison .

Do you all realize how retarded you sound?
I'm a normies, through and through.
Been on this board a long time.
People I talk with, they may know bitcoin, they may even know ETH. Chances are they don't own any. If they do its miniscule.
"normies" are not going to pump your shitcoin.
They will get into promising projects that have corporate backing.
But stop deluding yourselves. It's sad.

Not even close to the main ad campaign. Banyan has a closer and far more relevant partnership without Union Pay than HPB. Matter of fact, Kelvin brokered HPB's partnership with Union Pay himself. If anything, HPB's main thing they point to is Banyan and their core teams direct connections to Union Pay.

> Partnered with and backed by the largest credit card processing company in the world.

Do you realize how retarded you are user?

It is Union Pay Smart. It’s a subsidiary of Union Pay.

No. They have a partnership with Union Pay you fucking brainlet. Union Pay owns the data that Union Pay Smart holds which is the big data section of Union Pay. This is the weakest fud people always try.

>DERRRR Union Pay Smart is not Union Pay.

Yes it is, and it is arguably the most important aspect of it moving forward.

David Zhou has been quoted "We have business partnership with Union Pay"

What the fuck are you people missing here?

Ok well HPB is Union Pay Smart. That’s even better for BBN. Now go take your xans pls.

No it isn't BBN is Union Pay Smart. I know this hurts your feelings, but it shouldn't. HPB will be a giant, but they owe a lot to Kelvin Long.

Kelvin Long, the founder of Union Pay Smart quits his CTO/CEO position to start Banyan Network, and you try to tell me HPB is Union Pay Smart? Come on.

Affiliated/partnered with Union Pay Smart. Christ you need to get laid.

>owe a lot to Kevin long
>trusting chinks
Why do you know his personal life?

Is it though? Is it really?
it's not. Buy the rumor though. And then sell the news on a loss

Oh look, a banyan network thread. Should be start the gets again? Daily reminder, $0.50 end of may


This shit is truly fucking unbelievable

30c end of April


There we go

You know how many coins/tokens have used the "credit company x" is on board meme? You know what fine loose money. Some people have to find out the hard way

The cofounder of BBN is also the founder of Union Pay Smart. This is no meme, if you speak Chinese you can ask him yourself. But I do think this has been shilled too much here, this is a hidden gem


biz wont let me upload so just picture a rare banyan pepe in shock as pic related

Okay now what the fuck


How is this happening?

C h e c k e d a g a i n

Is this a scam?

Fucking Kek. Meme magic continues. Seriously though Biz is fucking stupid, if they haven't bought in yet after being fucking spoon fed they won't until it's up 5-10x. Let's bring the shillage down and focus the threads on relevent BBN discussions


This coin is too spooky. I've been holding a nice bag of rare pepes waiting for them to appreciate and this is a great time to share some and take profits. Just need biz to get back up to speed with the images

Banyan Network will 10X by the end of the year.

.50 cents by end of May really is going to happen though.

LMAO, check'd fuckkk

Banyan's power is growing.

we shall

there are no more normies in crypto anymore, they need a year to forget and fomo in trade anything else until

That's it, I was cost averaging but I'm just going all in. Something's happening here

Lmao can someone make that meme or gf asking how he got so rich and he says something like you based your investments off superstitious numbers on a Taiwanese comic strip board.

You got a link to it?


BBN meme magic

He's using a LINK protocol.

or we're back

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