I've never read one word of any whitepaper...

I've never read one word of any whitepaper. They could be written in Braille and I'd be just as clueless using my fingers as I am when I try to read them.

Literally im all in on chainlink because I'm racist and trust you guys here on Jow Forums.

The ultimate goal for me isn't to tell people that I got rich because I saw the future with this tech..... it's to tell people I got rich because of Jow Forums. So then they can hate me for being rich AND because I got rich because of a racist site.

i was put in this earth to only make SJW's lives more miserable. Without this life would not be worth living

Attached: 1376755443715.jpg (601x620, 119K)

>another retard falling for the chainlink meme

>he thinks it's a meme

>listens to Jow Forums
You won't make it.

People with no background in programming have no business buying cryptocurrency.

> he missed antshares and eth

It actually is, read the whitepaper and you should be able to figure out why.

But you probably didn‘t read it, like OP.

>falling for the "chainlink is not a meme" meme

Nope, bought ETH in early 2016, and sure as hell not because of Jow Forums.

after /biz fud

Fuck off techfag
90 percent of us are here to make money like Chads. You can be the beta cuck reading the fine print all day.
I'll be the guy that gets shilled by you, makes a rational conclusion based on your shill and invest if I think it has normies potential. With out the normies and Chad investors the betas in the market would be poor.



We already told you. Chainlink doesn't aim to make money.
The purpose is to take over humanity.

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Same Op
I've read a part of one or 2 white papers ever
I have a pajeet meter built in my brain
So I kind of instinctually know when I should invest in a coin shilled here or if it sounds like shit.
I have been right 9/10 so far

ChainLink is the anti-racist coin, though. Literal niggers and pajeets are all over it, and the whites are mostly urbanite cucks who cry the moment someone posts an innocent fat sergey meme or evangelizes about semen drinking lolis
ChainLink is Jow Forums in the same manner as the commie flag posters are Jow Forums
We're all losers, but they're the uncool losers

>falling for the "chainlink is not a meme i a meme meme"

this is 100% banker chad coin, not sure if normies are applicable.

need to market it to normies like XRP, less autisimal

hey OP, I'm black 10" balls deep in stacy while I'm shitposting here.

115k LINK 1000 EOY

I swear the shit this site is making you people go insane

If that is your philosphy buy some BAT too. Brendan Eich resigned from Mozilla due to SJWs, the whole project is a big middle finger to Google & The leftist proproganda machine that rules the internet, plus buying it; you will own ad space you can use it rub it in lefties faces.

lol that pic

someone needs to read more about 90s microsoft and their antics