

Other urls found in this thread:


First indian itt

the collapse of the USSR was a mistake

desu archive is back up for when Jow Forums goes down

Second indian itt

Third reich itt

Subhumans who ought to be sterilized

Why does Jow Forums keep getting shat on by the Feds when Reddit has all the major weirdos

How safe is ordering weed off the dark web

Asking for a friend

called some lad on twitter soy while Jow Forums was down

*posts lewd picture*

So gay the site went down and the guy who wrote this might not reply when you point out moving to another EU country with freedom of movement and work laws is totally different to applying for a US visa and that to even make this comparison shows he doesn't understand the actual mechanics of moving to another country yet it seems to be his life plan


it's fine as long as you know what you're doing

Jow Forums is down because israel just nuked syria

>Asking for a friend
I call bullshit. You are asking for yourself but too embarrassed to admit that? Nice.

i really liked this symphony

Hate the niggers


the jig's up

eat shit and die you geordie manlet faggot.

take the biggers

t. Reddit weirdo

Your a fucking mong mate and I can tell that your arsehole is clenched so tight you have no room to fart for fun.

Not once did I compare US and EU visa or work laws and not once did I say I wanted to move there. Loosen up ffs.

i remember when vietnamese poster BTFO'd the white nationalist when that idiot compared vietnam with west europe hahhaa

t. paedo bath-snatcher

seriously how do people find weed or drugs in general im stuck in the middle of nowhere for work over this summer and it's excruciating lads

I went out with a teenager last night

You're a fat nigger who is one stroke away from looking like Beto and one heart attack away from death. STFU, you irrelevant turd.

Vietnam is like western europe

[picture of apu with headphones on and his arm extended]

no relevant differences between vietnam and western europe

>comparing things that are not exactly the same
end it fag

more like a proxy


He's a nonce from Newcastle.

no relevant differences between jews and whites

tell me more

I'm not talking about the things that are not exactly the same but simply referring to those things which are the same

why do jewish girls have big tits

You are such a moron that explaining further feels abusive

think I'm going to start living in fantasy world in my head until I die

avoided this for years now but the world is too corrupt and filthy

How about I violate your anal sphincter, you precious little tart?

Find a black person and ask them

Kikes aren't white

Do Americans really post threads without images? How can Americans do this?

I did that. And ended up getting detained under the Mental Health Act lmao.

fuck I want you to squish my cock between your not exactly the same ass cheeks

Any kissed a girl man in?

yes please x

Not me

*kisses you*

no more dumb frogposters for a while at least

"Tell everyone I'll see them somewhere, sometime"

Explain what? You havent made a single point you silly spastic. Your last post was just you commenting on things you made up and not really stating anything.


might actually blow my brains out

might actually blow my load


*gets on my hands and knees completely naked*
Alright boys pick a hole and do your worse

cold out
shall be getting thermal long sleeves


*puts finger in ur nose*
haha okay friendo

the world just feels wrong, like it isn't right to exist in


Just twice

My tattoo sleeves keep me warm in the cold Melbourne air

:.': : : : :"-„ : : :"\
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:.: : : : : : : : : : : : 'Ì
: : : : : : :, : : : : : :/

gonna start off with your mouth then your arse

Think its quite nice the planet lets us live


going to shag this bent aussie lad

post soviet choonage

>not the reverse

might put a nail gun to my forehead and whaaammmmmm

feel like pure shit
i just want it back

just do it already so we don't have to see ur posts

We are a freak of chance mate, what is right is solely up to you.

beto would you chop off my head if I asked as a mate

waggling my willy right now

kill me already you kangaroo shagging cunt

need a hand?

go back to gsg

>Autism Rate Jumps to 1 in 36 Children, 1 in 28 Boys
Holy mother of God. It's over 1 in 30 boys now. It was 20/10000 (1 in 500) back in 1990. What the fuck is going on? Who is to blame for this?

soft cunts

My name is Charlie

better methods for diagnoses and also Jow Forums

Would rather not taste my own poo 2bh

>Not once did I compare US and EU visa or work laws

>there are websites like workaway.info that where you can connect with people that offer work in exchange for bed&board, places like hostels, farms, properties. Its really cool and I have done it twice in italy and france

So your proof of getting a temporary work visa in the US is the fact you did it in France and Italy. You can move to Italy or France with no job. You don't need a sponsor or visa. For the US you need a reason.

>not once did I say I wanted to move there
>Alri I will save and if it dont work out I will just go california instead

So you've gone from suggesting you'll be an illgeal immigrant if needs be to denying ever wanting to go?


Hebrews probably

is ded

Definitely going to read this multilinking autist's inane rant

every kid I see that gets diagnosed as autistic goes from just a bit weird and kind of slow to acting retarded because people don't treat them like a normal person after they've been diagnosed

piss off mierda

ohyhhhhmy willyfeelssogood;))))endlessWILLYPLEASURE.
u wanna some willy wanking tips I give you some my willywanking grasshopper
>step 1: grab your willy
>step 2: waggle it up and down!!!!!!
>step 3: even tho it hurts waggle it to FULLJOY!!!!mmHHHHmmmmmwaggleurwilly;))


>Parliament's Centre Block to close for 10 years for renovations

Who did they hire to do this? Ancient Egyptian slaves?

*leg sweeps u*

U Wot M8? !!

*does epic steampunk parkour backflip onto your stomach and fucking crushes your kidney*


Mental how in 20 years I'll be 40

>*gets searing kidney pains from years of alcoholism*