What the fuck is going on in Israel?

How do you brainwash an entire country?

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Nuke Israel


Whatever, best not to get involved. Or you'll be assassinated by zionists like Sweden's prince was.

>Be target of genociders in the early 20th century
>Be the genociders in the new millenium
I get that Palestine has not been the friendliest neighbor but what the actual fuck.


They're literally the same people. This isn't like pakistan, there was no re-location, one day pakis were suddenly israeli due to encroaching territory.

Huh, tell me more. I heard they also poisoned Yasser Arafat back then.

Cycle of abuse. You'd think a child that had suffered abuse wouldn't grow up to become a child beater himself, but sometimes they do.


>Folke Bernadotte was a Swedish diplomat and prince. During World War II he negotiated the release of about 31,000 prisoners from German concentration camps including 450 Danish Jews from the Theresienstadt camp.

>He was assassinated in Jerusalem in 1948 by the militant Zionist group Lehi while pursuing his official duties.

Makes me think

>some violent people made violent comments
>therefore an entire country thinks the same

Now go and gang rape some 8 year old girls. All Indians do that, right?

It's not like people constantly call for genocide on this board or anything.

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Israel was a mistake
We are so sorry for it

You cut-dicks are hated by every country in the world. One might think Jews would learn to act human after being hated and reviled by every fucking culture that encountered then.

Nice comeback, you really addressed my points well.

Wtf I love my country now.

I don't see this on any major news outlet.....

you realize Indians are hated and reviled by everyone too?

It's from October 2016.

Well if you guys go murder millions of Palestinians, make sure to do a better job than hitler did with your kind.

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You realize Americans are hated and reviled by everyone too, right?

It comes about from being told you're the victims not only from your own government but from everyone else as well.

They learned from the best.

Not at all. Indians might be looked down upon, but they aren't chased through the streets and kicked out of the country

Based Israel

The jew fears the Poo Prince...

Nigga, you are one of the most anti-jew countries in the world right now. I won't take shit from you.

Israel wont stop the war, there are a lot of money going to them from America, and it will stop once the war is over.

Never heard of Gypsies have you?

Dumbest argument I've heard.

Israeli right is full of fascists like everywhere else. Who would’ve thought?

Then just eradicated Palestine, faggot.
Don't create more drama. I'm sick of your fucking region's drama.

That's why we have to stand up to them. We are Palestines ally because the Israelis have shown themselves to be horrible monsters. They even made the leader of the assassination plot president. They must be stopped.

Do they accept volunteers?

Nice argument.


Flair checks out

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I'm not racist, but Indians are universally hated dude. There's a diaspora of you everywhere and you guys have an uncanny ability to survive in extreme filth that no other people can. Not saying arabs are any better, we're shit too in our own ways, but don't act like Indians are somehow model citizens who never do anything wrong.
It's a problem when their right is the ruling party though.

>implying an explicit genocide of Palestinian arabs wouldn't trigger a significant international backlash that would escalate into a huge and confusing world war

>be spain
>get conquered by foreigners
>kick them out
>conquer the new world
karma really doesn't exist

And it will be probably between Europe and Arab worlds, so it's better. I can drink tea while watching those fucking people in those regions kill themselves.

The only allies to sandpeople are sjws and they don't fight wars.

And they don't need to conquer it outright. If they did they'd have to incorporate millions of palestinian arabs into the population. So instead they let settlers take over areas, kick the arabs out, and then one by one annexing the settlements. That way they can take Palestinian territory without having to increase the arab population of israel. It really is a colonialist apartheid state.

Stop taking all your news from buzzfeed and vice.

Based kikes

Oh okay so when jews are being based its not cool to be based anymore?
Only when the jews are being based the fascists and nazis become leftist crying about human rights while in the same breath says gas the jews.

funny people the whole lot of you

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Maybe they don't need to be brainwashed?

>genocide is good when kikes do it


It has never been cool to call for genocide when you're old enough to go on this board.

Maybe your leftist brain can't tell the difference between healthy nationalism and a genocide?

>Mass murder is good under some circumstances

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Im not saying that its good to do so, only that you cannot cry about them genociding people when you yourself want to genocide them or others.

Just stating that people are being hypocrites when saying BASED WHITE MAN BTFO ALL NIGGERS etc. then cries about human rights as soon as some one else does it.

I want ethnic cleansing Balkan style not genocide

>If you kill your enemies they win!

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The best policy towards the middle-east is always non-interference. Let them kill each other. I don't care.

Shame that Germans didn't genocide D*nes when they had the chance, fucking soybois

Why would they, we're practically the same people.

>I won't take shit from you

Anti Soros is not Anti Jew.

bogdamemes are actually jews too

Holocaust 1.0 when?

Based Hans


Nuke Israhell and JEWsa

An open protest like this would not be possible here.

Why are Israshits such muslims?

You can say whatever you want if nobody believes you'll actually follow through with it.
Nobody believes Israel is actually going to launch a genocide.
They've had a lot greater opportunities in the past 70 years than they have now.
Throughout Israel's history they've been a lot more patient with Arabs than everyone else.
Anglo countries have an exceptional human rights record and if we had to put up with that shit there's no way we'd respond as disciplined as they have, we'd fucking demolish those Arabs.

Can't tell if diaspora'd or using a VPN.

he deserved it

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>wh*Te '''people'''
>not celebrating genocide

pick one

looks like many empty words there.
People openly protesting for genocide in general have to be seen with all seriousness.

Israel confirmed Muslim-Tier savage country.