Today is Vappu

Today is Vappu.
Ask me what it is Vappu, please.

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is it true that fins are asian?

Do Finns realize that they're celebrating a super-Swedish tradition?

Tell us about it. I don't wanna ask the chukhonets what it is.

what is Vappu?

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Today is April 30. Isn't Vappu celebrated on May 1st?

What is Vappu?

What is Vappu.

Valborg dumma dumma finne

A somalian tradition

Walpurgis Night is a German tradition not Sw*doid

1 May

super commie national holiday

No, it isn't. And besides, literally all "your" traditions (student cap, drinking, bonfires, etc) come from here.

It doesn't have anything to do with that.

We Celebrate 30 always

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yes swedes invented burning wood in bonfires lmao. delusional much?

On this day? Kind of. Finns don't have any traditions of their own. All of them come from here. But go on, put on your student overalls and white student cap and sing songs translated from Swedish into Finnish and pretend that it's your culture. :D

pls stop fighting

swe and fin are brother people and eternal allies

Gustavson beat Jones desu

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Yeah, but the thing is we mustn't let them delude themselves into thinking that they aren't Swedes.


Fuck off cuck.

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Nice meme kid. I'll show you who's boss of this gym.

Delet this thread

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Бэйcд бpaп пocтep

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Быcтpo, мapш в /rus/+/bel/+/ukr/.

Хyйoвый джeнepaл c eбaнoй шкoлoтoй кoтopaя нe ocилилa aнглийcкий и пpячeтcя pyccкoязычнoм capae, никoгдa тaм нopмaльнo пooбщaтьcя нe мoг.

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У нac тaм eжeднeвнoe интeллeктyaльнoe oбщeниe нa aнглийcкoм языкe.

Still wondering what vappu is

>A tradition that was practiced in Finland even before the 11th century when Swedes came to colonize Finland
Weak bait, but you got me

>swe and fin are brother people
Estonians are our brothers. Sw*doids deserve a nuclear holocaust

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Your words hurt me but I'll bear it because I love you.

These things are pan-European traditions, not Swedish. These age-old traditions have survived in different forms, which from a certain perspective can appear as defining for a certain tradition as a whole but it isn't the whole picture. You really, really love to label everything as Swedish, but it's just delusional and pathetic. For instance, you don't celebrate Halloween now neither because of Finns nor Irish although Finns and Irish were the last ones to celebrate Kekri and Samhain respectively. Or do you?

Raamatunmusta: Vappuyö

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But if you drink on May 1st, you'll be going to work hung over the next day.

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