How is it possible

That Latin America is the most dangerous place on Earth, but Spain is one of the safest? Even when compared to Western Europeans, Spain is extraordinary.
What makes Latinos so violent and homicidal?

Attached: how.png (1231x742, 93K)

ur mom

Imagine Africa with the same access to guns and drug money

I would say their indio blood but the places with lots of Natives are nowhere near as violent as Latin America overall

Cultural americanization. Back in the old colonial days indios were inoffensive people attending church every day.

And then freedom happened.

Weak americans buying their drugs. Encouraging cartels to grow and spread violence.

every bad shit in latAm is caused by the evil amerimutt

latinos are spaniards are completely different people with different culture, you know

European genes

the blood of quetzalcoatl courses through their veins

they have the desire for human sacrifice as a prime objective hardwired into their brains

aboriginal genes.

Nigger blood

Spanish genes

>Even when compared to Western Europeans, Spain is extraordinary
it's not

Safer than you, Muhammad.

Muhammad is darker than me, that's correct

Italian blood and Amerindian blood.

Argentina and Brazil are full of italians descendants, the rest is mestizos, amerindians or nigger mutts.

also the natural drugs but it include the involvement of burgers.

And this considering the gyppo shits and the foreign population do most of the crime.

good-working goverment against bad-working goverment
look at chile, argentina, uruguay, they are far safer than central american countries

mixing moorish and amerindians genes was a mistake

Spain was submerged in bloody civil wars for a long time, their newfound peace is a novelty.

Because they live like animals and it infects every part of their brain.
I have never met a person from latin america who wasn't raped or molested as a child, male or female.