The Greatest Story Never Told

Crypto is a huge scam of modern times. There is no function or need for crypto. Everything they do is already done more quickly and efficiently by normal means. This has all the telltale signs of a bubble, the hopes, the mania, the rationalizations, the defenses, and none of the common sense.

Its only value is that it is going up. That's it. Once it doesn't have that, it's worthless. 95% of arguments revolve around how much money you could have made if you hopped in on the bubble. Yea okay. You could have also made money in the housing bubble, didn't change the fact it was a bubble.

And stop calling it a currency. Less major retailers and shops want crypto now than last year. It's a highly speculative asset, not a currency.

>Better than Federal reserve dollars

Actually about as bad if not worse. Money literally from nothing, from software. It's not even paper.

>It's anonymous

Actually the opposite, everyone can see what you do

>It's the next mumbo jumbo new-fangled blockchainy technology-wology that you're too stupid to understand

And that you're too stupid to explain. Big on words, small on explanations. "It's too complicated for you to understand" is a MAJOR sign of a SCAM.

>It can never be banned

Yea but if it carried a jail sentence, I doubt anyone would sincerely use it. Plus every whisper of a new ban or regulation sends the asset prices through the floor.

And my personal favorite

>It's the next big revolution in banking and finance

No, it's not. In fact once it blows up you're going to ironically get more laws and regulations you don't want. The exact opposite of the original intention.

Attached: crypto.jpg (235x215, 6K)

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I increasingly think of how this system sets up the infrastructure for Smart Contracts and think that it's greatest benefit is for smart contracts and not currencies.

Who says it’s too complicated to understand? That’s what the media says because “le complex math equations”. Any brainlet can watch a 5 minute video and understand

Who says it’s too complicated to understand? That’s what the media says because “le complex math equations”. Any brainlet can watch a 5 minute video and understand

embarrassing honestly...

>There is no function or need for crypto. Everything they do is already done more quickly and efficiently by normal means.
Which fiat currency is decentralised, deflationary, and highly censorship resistant?
Take your time, I'll wait.

Who says it's too complicated to understand? That's whar the media says because "le complex math equations". Any brainlet can watch a 5 minute video and understand

>bankster FUD back on biz
>banksters wetting their depends once again
>bull run confirmed
thanks OP, each flaccid thread like this makes the Bull Run Stronger

Well done, OP. Very observant, now stfu and toe the line so we can all make money, please.

>sold the bottom

Absolutely true and the exact same reason why I fudded bitcoin for years without ever investing. How I hate myself.

Why are so many people falling for that ponzi?

>It's anonymous
>Actually the opposite, everyone can see what you do

imagine being this out of the loop

>Money literally from nothing

Who is the Fed?

>It's not even paper.

fucking kek.

>Actually the opposite, everyone can see what you do

I don't use verge, I use Monero like a non-brainlet.

>And that you're too stupid to explain. Big on words, small on explanations. "It's too complicated for you to understand" is a MAJOR sign of a SCAM.

It's honestly quite easy to explain to anyone with half a brain.

>Yea but if it carried a jail sentence, I doubt anyone would sincerely use it. Plus every whisper of a new ban or regulation sends the asset prices through the floor.

Not gonna happen.

No, it's not. In fact once it blows up you're going to ironically get more laws and regulations you don't want. The exact opposite of the original intention.

> such as what? are they gonna force regulation on exchanges that they have no jurisdiction over?

3/10 bait tier argument.

IOTA has a purpose.

Nice reddit spacing, dipshit, I didn't even bother reading your blog post.

Your right. I'll just use my credit card to buy drugs and other illegal shit on the black market. I'll start an organization that takes donations with paypal and when they don't like my message they can just cut me off and fuck me in the ass! I like it! Zoom out faggot.

>There is no function or need for crypto.

It powers dapps which is highly effective for censorship resistant functionality. This is one of the greatest feats in modern history.

1 post by this ID


>it's not even paper
fuck outta here boomer faggot

Nice fud, link 1000 eoy

>it's not even paper

Holy shit, sell sell sell.

Invest in Supply Chain coins, they're the future millionaire makers. Currencies are on their way out

Waltonchain, Vechain, WaBi, Modum

Nice just bought 100k