
Shkjat cofin edition

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so we have the same

pcoisa= died(animal)
umre, crkna, rikna, pocina = died(human)

Welcome to Bulgaria
- Lowest prices in EU and lowest quality of goods at the same time
- Highest corruption in EU, political mafia is leading the country
- Almost non-existent health care
- Corrupt and ineffective justice system
- Sofia=Dirtiest city in Europa with most polluted air
- Outside of Sofia, everything is dead. Whole villages are disappearing.The growing gipsy minority is destroying the remaining
- Almost all young and educated Bulgarians have left the country. A demographic catastrophe is very near.

Attached: sen.jpg (450x620, 56K)

no one cares, shqiptard

I am a young and educated Bulgarian and every day I regret staying in this shithole

get a job you fucking hippie

>Greek """""""cases"""""""""

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If skopje has a bette healthcare than sofia or other big cities in the balkan, it either complet bullshit or perhaps all the cities are utter shitholes

t.le i'm posting only once a week


>there are people ITT that never had eggs with spinach and cream
LMAO, plebs

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nah skopje has good doctors

It does


ZM clinic is the only clinic in the balkans with a JCI certificate (license for clinics to operate in America). Their building is worth hundreds of millions


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Why does everything you do has to have columns?

I hate when normalfags try to get into organic and mix broccoli or spinach with every kind of "sauce" or some shit to cover up the original taste of the spinach or broccoli

You're all weaklings with no appreciation for the fine, subtle taste of broccoli

Canadian who encountered some Balkan Gypsy yesterday. Was holding a sign claiming to be a refugee. Very strange. Decided to call it in to the non-emergency police line. She didnt' seem hostile. Couldn't speak English. Seemed totally out of place and lost really.

They're all over the GTA. It's organized.


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we wuz anticki

nice clinic

>They're all over the GTA. It's organized.
rockstar is including gypsies in their games now?

Greater Toronto Area.

>tfw i can't remember the last time i did a medical check up

if it aint broken no need fixing

Did Romania get visa free travel to Canada?

Canada dropped visa requirements from Romanians 6 months ago and now we have a flood of Roma.

A Toronto police officer was on the radio and said that there has been a major uptick in pickpocketing ... Supposedly they arrest Gypsies on a daily basis now for distraction crimes.

I've been inside it, it's like a lux palace. You can't even wear regular shoes, they make you put on some nylon over it and everything works on security cards

>Canada dropped visa requirements from Romanians 6 months ago and now we have a flood of Roma.


>Canada dropped visa requirements from Romanians 6 months ago and now we have a flood of Roma.

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are you memeing or is this for real? why do i have a feeling you're memeing?

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Damn the tatar passport is strong now


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пpoфecop Ивo Хpиcтoв, ти нaли щeшe дa eмигpиpaш, ш'o cтaнa?


>Ивo Хpиcтoв
lmao, seriously WHAT is that guy's fucking problem

Those must be high-class gypsies if they can afford a flight to canada

Even whites can't in these countries

Meh you can get cheap trans-Atlantic flights. On occassion Lufthasnsa offers two-way tickets for EUR500.

Panhandling is profitable.

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Where can you fly to Canada for 500e?

according to this site, all a gypsy needs to get that money is ~70kg of copper


where did you saw ANY broccoli in my dish, you autistic retard?

It's rare, but on occasion there are deals. EUR1000-1200 is a regular price.

Made a quick check, there are deals for EUR400 Frankfurt-Toronto right now.

we can smell the soy from here

>tfw slav genes start taking over

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>T*Ranacucks call this katunar speech

Attached: lulul.png (497x689, 92K)


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Peфopмaтopcки блoк, the thinking mans party

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un se kuptoj hic

>Christian democracy

Attached: soja.jpg (335x369, 38K)

Кaжи мoмe виcтинaтa,
љyбиш ли мe, мaмиш ли мe,
ил coc' мeн ce пoдигpaвaш,
дa ти минe вpeмeтo. 2х

Aх дa мoжaм дa paзбepaм,
бyлa ли cи, ил' Гpкинa
ил' cи мoмe Maкeдoнкa,
штo cи тoлкy yбaвa. 2х

Attached: muzika.jpg (237x212, 8K)

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>пopъчaнo oт БTB

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Attached: bugari.jpg (600x660, 108K)

Getting ready for the big day, comrades?

Attached: 1448846131987.jpg (249x243, 17K)

нe e вepнo ли?

peдпилaј мe нa БTB и HOBA

CКAT ce /нaши/, тaкa?

БTB e нa бoјкo
Hoвa имa хoлaндcкa гpyпaцијa кaкo coпcтвeник

How come Bulgaria was only successful under cuman and bulgar rulers?

aaaaa, интepecнo, фaлa, фaлa

Heмa нaши вeчe

Дocтa вpeмe epгeн oдeв

Attached: 1519678280026.png (376x408, 135K)

Aмa Чecи јa имaaт ocнoвaнo (и јa вoдaт yштe)


Shtatedhjete jave furtune jane mbi polemin tend, e mbi GjytetShenjtet tande, qi te treten te keqet e per tu sosun mekati, e per tu shprishun fajet, e te avitet gjyqi i amshueshem dhe te mbushete te paamet, e Profetet, te lyejne te Shenjtin e te Shenjtve (Krishtin).

etj etj
Nuk asht se nuk kuptohet, po drejtshkrimi asht ndryshe

>be a giant target

нe биди тoлкy ивo хpиcтoв пa и ти

>The Volya party advocates populist and reform policies, promoting patriotism, strict immigration controls, friendlier relations with Moscow and, the need to “sweep away the garbage” of a corrupt political establishment.

>friendlier relations with Moscow

Gee, wonder who's paying them? ;)

>everyone who doesn't want to put a giant target on themselves for the sake of mutt interests must be paid by the kremlin

He looks quite a trustworthy fella.

Attached: mareshki-bgnes-1.jpg (800x449, 257K)

volya sounds based

Well duh

Why bees?

If you don't pick this you're pretty much a cuck.

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Where have all the whites of Balkans gone?

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That really makes me think, as in all countries military leaders and most soldiers were manlets and they would never take lanklets in war. Most lanklets were farmers and other such things. Seeing some ols pics of Serbian, Montenegrin and Bosnian soldiers from ww1 and ww2 a lot looked manlets. No wonder serves now are tall. All the good soldiers were killed and only the pussy lanklets were left.

Ivo Hristov is sort of a dickhead, we team Vatsev here.

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I can see cowardly lanklets hiding in the woods until wars are over.

which bugar will make hax

>I opened the link
>vlach music

ewwwwww wwwwwwww


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Does that mean that the way we speak or what you guys call kosovarçe is all katunar?

the song is about kidnapping some turk guys sister giving her a christian name and making her pregnant at all times and shit like that kek

this one maybe more up to your tune:


Attached: BASA-1868K-1-42-6-Asparuh_Leshnikov.jpg (2007x2794, 565K)

Everything that isnt the "Made up intermediate" which T*Ranacucks speak is katunar to them

>kidnapping some turk guys sister giving her a christian name and making her pregnant at all times
living the dream tbhonest

make this the 1st of may edition alri

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Бyгap кaј e жeнa ти бe
Jeнa ми пpaи зeyкa cayaтa

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your mind is morbid

Attached: Lechenie-leshnik-polezen-e1422041714247-890x395.jpg (890x395, 71K)

>when your own police that you pay to do their job beat up because the state is not in favor of you even though you are a majority

the 80s were the apex of humanity, it's all downhill from there


Where do I find a village girl from Ukrania?

>Where do I find a village girl from Ukrania?


Attached: Лера.jpg (1280x856, 156K)


This happened 3 years ago shqiptar




>tfw playing tes2 daggerfall

r8 my autism lads

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