Burgers of Jow Forums

burgers of Jow Forums

I divided USA into 7 countries. What's your new cunt?

Who is president of your new country? Who is your best ally and worst enemy?

What is a better name for your new cunt?

Attached: Image 135.jpg (763x484, 70K)

everything south of montana is mexico

better map

Attached: Flag_Map_of_USA_China.png (2000x1253, 66K)

Maybe my knowledge of the US is lacking, but surely Washington and Oregon have nothing in common with Mexifornia beyond being west coast, right?

they are very closely aligned in political views, no? they are all pacific and solid blue?

I include Nevada into California because I feel it is closer aligned with California than Utah

portland and seattle are the same strain of cancer as the bay area.


>puts VA, WV, MD, NJ, PA, DE, and NY in new england.

This is not right

Only the Coast is somewhat Californian and the rest of Oregon and Washington more identify with Idaho and Montana. The same could be said for 80% of California though who absolutely hates the progressive 20%

>implying Oklahoma would be part of a country called Texas
>implying Texas wants Oklahoma
Fernando pls

Better map

Attached: united-states-that-could-have-been.jpg (2052x1466, 1.05M)

This is just wrong. Is this how europeans feel when americans larp and redraw their borders?


we should make generals for each one of these

>make new england bigger

if anything we would split it into northern and southern new england. New York will never in a million years be part of new england, the is at the foundation of new england

T. son of new england

Attached: 1497926036427.png (879x774, 227K)

Only Oregonians and Washingtonians think that they're not the same ass Californians

We aren't though

North Texas is southern Oklahoma. There's no difference

This map was hot fucking garbage

>New England

nope, it's all the same shit.

Attached: 1500606111634.png (240x311, 43K)

>We aren't though

Attached: lain.png (598x1021, 341K)

Californian is more mestizo and multicultural than the PNW. The pnw is overwhelmingly white

ok mister yankee pants how would you draw it

>Son of New England
I hope one day the USA balkanizes and the Mid-Atlantic region glasses all of New England

He's a flyover, don't listen to them. They only get high off of methodone and complain about how their shitholes have no jobs while claiming to know it all when their roads barely hold up

Fuck off
t. North Texan

This map was hot fucking garbage

>US Balkanizing
Never going to happen, we're all basically the same people no matter how much autists say otherwise

>whiteness is the only determining factor
Pathetic Alt-Right worm
Fuck off to some Midwestern shithole

And why exactly don't you like New England? You hate high white populations with low violent crime rates and high education?

Attached: Mt Willard NH.jpg (4032x3024, 812K)

not him but this is way more sensible. Texas is Dixie, as much as they are unique from us it's where they belong. the Southern two thirds of Florida should be independent instead. Nevada is more like those frontier states than California. Virginia and Kentucky are both culturally Southern. New York, Pennsylvania, and Maryland could also be a separate thing from New England but that would probably be taking balkanization unrealistically far.

Attached: 1508018387547.png (763x484, 206K)

No there is a distinct culture here that more resonates with the culture in the midwest. Seattle and Portland are the only areas who have been exposed to heavy immigration so they're more like California. It's not even a racist thing. It's true that different races within a society go mingle with their own more often and form subcultures. Look at ebonics for example. What i'm saying is that the pacific northwest is so overwhelmingly homogenous that there really isn't any subcultures that there would be present in a multicultural city like Seattle or most of the Californian Coast

Yeah no
You're like Californians to literally everyone who isn't from your states
Your sad LARP means nothing

>Pacific Northwest
imagine trying to form a national identity revolving around Starbucks and Kurt Cobain

Portlandia is just as cancerous as California's Bay Area

I live like 5 miles from Idaho, it's completely different on the east side of the Cascades

>I hope the shitskin region glasses the white region
Back to Morocco you piece of shit.

Kys chicano

It's not perfect, but it's a start

Attached: 1280px-Blank_US_map_borders.svg.png (1280x853, 198K)

You forgot missouri as part of dixie

Wow you're in a tiny minority that has nearly no power in your own state and can't impact it in literally any measurable way lets all listen to you now

>putting Missouri in Dixie
>putting West Virginia in Mid-atlantic
>putting Nevada in California

While we're at it
>West Virginia
They already told you to fuck off once
Go be inbred somewhere else
>joining Dickshit

>starbucks and Kurt Cobain
Believe it or not but the pacific northwest isn't in these two circles

Attached: pacific northwest.jpg (800x533, 231K)

Believe it or not, everything west of the Cascades is literally just an extension of California

no I didn't

honestly West Virginia could just be its own little African-tier impoverished microstate. It doesn't fit in with any of its surroundings. It's just greater Pittsburgh with some Appalachian South and rust belt post-industrial hellhole misery poured in.

Believe it or not, nobody lives in the non-black red zone.

you fix it then. The light-green states are the ones i'm not sure about

Attached: 1280px-Blank_US_map_borders.svg.png (1280x853, 182K)

i dont live west of the cascades just like 40% of Washington doesn't

The eastern half should just leave already

what if they just became their own country and it was called "the mason dixon line extended edition"

I know, that's why I told you that your opinion isn't worth the electrons used to post it on Jow Forums

>Coast full of immigrants matter more than people who have lived here for generations

Fuck off hick

Dividing the country by states is too cut-dry and clean. We need to go farther

Attached: US County Map.png (3675x2350, 428K)

>Rome will never split in half.

Rome was also an empire that consisted of vastly different cultures. We also don't have neighbors that keep trying to sack our cities

do appalacian people really exist? do they sound like the beverly hillbillies?

Yeah, Appalachians are different from other southerners

It is.
t. Alsatian travelling

i'd love to see this finished

My take on the west

Attached: us county map.png (3675x2350, 438K)

Nice, it's surely better than mine

Attached: Untitled.png (3675x2350, 541K)

northern idaho should be yellow as well
Klamath county in Oregon should be green

A little different. People redrawing Europe have patterns
1. Germany retakes its former Eastern Territories, possibly Alsace and maybe more. It probably also has annexed Austria and parts of Switzerland.
2. Belgium is split between France and Netherlands
3. Greece has Constantinople, parts of Anatolia and Cyprus, It might be called Byzantine
4. Russia expands into Ukraine, Belarus and the Baltics/Poland if Germany or Finland already hasn't.