Hey yuropoors, LISTEN UP

Hey yuropoors, LISTEN UP

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Other urls found in this thread:


>The Netherlands

>not Cucked Tier

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we also had tintin in congo you jealous retard

Netherland is one of the most cucked countries. It's never pointed out because they are irrelevant.

Are you serbian?

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Bow to the SERB little roshian

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We're genetically the same as serbs yet you call them whites?

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I get my opinion from Jow Forums: the post

>he doesn’t know Norway has the exact same policies as we do.

>We're genetically the same as Bulgarians*

laughing @ you whiteboy. These "low tier" "shitskins" created civilization whereas you lived in ugly huts and shit.

Yeah but they're still whiter.

Kako ide bato?

Where is that civilization now?
In the West while you live in ugly huts and shit.

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Not even, Jow Forums manages to get something right from time to time, OP fucked up nearly everything.
I bet he's one of those americans who go "hurr based switzerland is what america would be without blacks and spics".

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Arabs are richer than westerners lol


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Imagine being this unaware

no they don't, are you insane? you take 10 times as many refugees as them

Nations go up and down sweaty. Do I really have to explain this to you?

Sweden is in no way richer than the US .

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If Norway and Sweden switched positions, it would be the other way around.

Italy is high tier shitskin

>Italy whiter than Spain
Haha wow

>Sw*des are posting right now instead of satisfying Ahmed

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>pretending your government isn't a part of this nonsense (just like G*rmany)
Denmark isn't a tenth as stupid as your country, and it's closer to the source

>If Norway was Sweden, Sweden would be Norway
I don't even know what you're trying to say

Can't hear you in my superior gdp

Oh I'm white now.

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No, Turkey is a plague.

Who cares about genetics? Smart goverment makes country better, not genetic.

>low tier wh*Te

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Reality check

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>Sw*doids superior to the Dutch and Germans

haha, nice banter abdi

>This flag
>This map
Why are la creaturas so obsessed with there imaginary level of whiteness? Is that what happend when your cunt is 44% hispanic and black? Dio mio..

I've been betrayed

>import turks syrians and sub-saharan africans willingly
>call Americans "la creaturas" in the 2010s
>accept the same fate in the 2040s

the reason why we laugh at you is because you're simultaneously arrogant and retarded, Germans worst of all

>any tier wh*te
Wanna how I know you've never been there?

>be american
>be 56% white
>the 56% includes north africans and arabs
>be american

>In the West while you live in ugly huts and shit.

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>accept the same fate in the 2040s
Yeah I'm pretty sure someone painted a map with imaginery numbers and claimed that. If you feel better when you belive that, be my guest.

>Swedes are high tier wh*Tes even though Finns, Balts, and Russians are genetically wh*ter

Ask me how I know you're retarded

Get rid of your African genes and stop looking like an Arab first.

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>be Finnish
>be part of the EU, which has the same exact policy: import shitskins to artificially lower wages
>do this like a good little dog
>think you're any better than Americans
unless you're explicitly anti-German and anti-EU, don't you dare (You) me you hypocritical worm.

Shut the fuck up you scumsucking Türk.

Look, another "Let me tell which countries are white" thread

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>be finnish
>be 99% white
>be 95% finnish
>be ranked #1 happiest country in the world 2018
>be ranked most sustainable country in the world
>be ranked most technologically advanced country in the world

>be member of eu
>take in 30k refugees and send half of them back home

>be finnish
>be smart
>be rich

>be finnish
>dont have a job
>government will pay for everything

>be finnish
>be willing to die for your country more than any other white country

>be finnish
>hate usa
>hate EU
>hate russia
>love china

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>weeh weeh I don't like the truth but what should I do? I know, I'll call him meany nemaes on the internet, that will teach him!
Jesus Christ el goblino del americas, are you 12?
Instead of changing something about your cunt being overtaken by spics and niggers right now you try to act superior because you hope that we suffer the same fate?

>Hey yuropoors, LISTEN UP

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>which has the same exact policy: import shitskins
Thats right, thats why EU memberstates hungary, poland, czech and the baltics are taking in refugees am I right?
Amerifat education


seems about right

>being so uneducated you don't even know your own news sources







You made this schism just like you made the Protestant-Catholic schism and the Roman schism. I hope you're proud of yourself. Unironically, this wouldn't have happened if the Berlin Wall didn't fall and the USA happily occupied Bayern and kept it in its nice pocket of prosperity... but no

Attached: germany ruin europe 3 times.png (735x632, 380K)

>by spics and niggers right now you try to act superior because you hope that we suffer the same fate?
No, we laugh at you because you pretend you're anything different. European arrogance has a long historical precedence over anything we've ever done.

You're just living up to your shitty name.

The Truth

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How to spot sub-humans = They mark more countries as white because of their mongrel genetic makeup

Looks like someone just got his ancestry results: 1/8th Flander, 1/8th Flamish, 1/8th Jute, 1/8th Mountain Gypsie, 1/8th Vikang,1/8th Spaniard, 1/8th Greek and 1/8th Kazak.

Who said I'm a Centrist, Jow Forumstard?

>high tier whites
Spotted the baltoid subhuman

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I'm actually Polish

This is the indian with usa proxy right? I hope no americans are this stupid

how are your Islamic languages classes going abdi. Learned any TURKISH yet? I need to be able to communicate with my soon to be wh*toid slaves

What is it based on? Denmark, Norway or Russia has higher percentage of sand people in their countries.

>der ubermensch

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It's based on the perceived image of a Jow Forumscuck from a country that has 45 million negroes, 57 million spics, and 21 million Asians. They also count arabs as "white" in their statistics

>they have like 300 muslims

Don't ever call me that again.

300 future colonists who will manage the slave trade

you are what you are. God has created the wh*tiod subspecies as a slave race with a hive mind mentality to perfectly execute BLACK orders.

Why do they need 300 muslims?

Probably just white converts. Everybody knows Icelanders are maniacs

I'm originally from the Westfjord ( I study in Sweden though). I never saw more than 20-30 muslims in Reykjavik

How many have you seen in Sweden?

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I'v been living in East Berlin for quite a long time and the living standard there was still high than Austin or any other American city where I've been. Ask yourself.

Also, kek, where do you get these links? Britain just lost it's 5th place in the GDP world ranking

It's mostly Albanians and other Balkan muslim peeps because we took a whole bunch of refugees during this


>He was shot immediately after posting this

Oh shit RIP user

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excellent post

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Speak for yourself, regățean
Transylvanians are 100% Germanic

Did you even read the link, you pillock? It has nothing to do with GDP or Brexit.


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>les corses
>race maitresse

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>this is what Americans actually believe
