The crash isn’t over yet

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No you dumb bitch you'd only $99.75 due to trading fees.



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What in the fuck is wrong with women

what do you mean? this indicates that there will be more money flowing in

Why 100 ? Just put in 1 dollar easy 100 profit

They've smaller brain than men

dumb whores aaaaaaaaaa

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its going to be ruinous because you have all these idiot normies wrecking the price because theyre selling for $50-$100 gains fucking christ

Is this bitch fucking retarded? Or is this a troll account?

She's always right you know.

she gonna get those $1.22 gains

honestly if this bitch cant even do basic math how is she gonna figure out coinbase

>a braincell died for this

They will also sell the moment it drops .1%

Had a normie say to me
>Yeah I bought $10 dollars worth of bitcoin. If it goes below $8, I'll just sell, but if it goes to like $12, I'll put in another $10.
That was at 19k.

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Tfw the crash will never be over

Track Exchanges coin/market additions in real time --

>not buying high and selling low
no lambo for you

There's a reason they don't join STEM.

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This is why we have not seen anywhere near a real top, but we might never unless we see some steady green now that we have the normie attention. If we pull another post gox we are not getting them back.

This is why I believe in memes like chainlink. Normies can't even math, it might not sound feasible that a worldchanger would still be in early adoption when its already shilled here, but then you look at the average normie like this. I believe we are still early adopters for some of the meme projects.

You'd make $5.29 minus fees. Idiots that can't do basic math are the ones getting assblasted when we're not in a bull run.

I meant $1.27.


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are schools really this bad?

>tfw don't even know how much that profit is

Isn't it like $10

I had no idea Saudis liked Hawks so much.

trips of truth
I hope this new way of calculating profits come soon to binance

>women/normies trading
BTC crash
>women/normies shorting
BTC moon