
Za mene, to je stariji Eren Yeager edicija

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cekam anime, ne citat

pravis gresku dbi, vrijedi svaki sekund

Prvi za crne macore HAHAHHA

>pravi na 303 jer se boji bosanaca

Di si kupia taj projektor?

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pogledaj oregairu

mogao bih pocet nocas, vidim neke fine curice a score im je 8.11

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Ova imena da se zapamte:

Djocko, Fixon, Muja, Prota, Dzambo, Aristos, Euklid, Sasser


AZGANG (azgeng) je multimedijalna grupa mladih ljudi iz Zajecara. Broj clanova ove grupe varira izmedu 8 i 12, a bave se muzikom, video editovanjem, a u planu su još neki projekti vezani za muziku i društveni rad. Na ex-yu su zvanicno pod tim imenom od 2018. godine, ali su neki clanovi tu od samog pocetka tog internet bloga sa sajta Jow Forums.

For all who don't know, Fixon is a member of the ex-yu's most famous duo, Black Tomcats.

Other one is Djocko Harizmatovic, they are 18 and they live in this town.

Djocko is a guitarist, he is the original oldfag and the creator of first ex-yu thread. He discarded the pointless "dudl" meme so we could reply to all strangers who come to our thread.

Fixon is not as popular as Djocko is with women, but he is a nice guy who listens to good music and he always shares a good music with us. He is the host of their popular vocaroo show, Crni Macori.
Also, he triggers some autists like Cevapboi, Shitboi and maybe Perfumeboi im not sure.

They are so popular here and there is no middle, you love them or you hate them, there are only 3 guys who hate on them and everybody else adore them, especially Osijekgirl, who slept with them on the last Gitarijada in Zajecar

Attached: filip firulovic i djordje milosavljevic.jpg (1920x2560, 1.2M)


*zmaje z glavo*