Looks like WW3 is here. How fucked is your country?

Looks like WW3 is here. How fucked is your country?

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buy me a box set of KUWTK and send it to me on the battlefield anons~

I am going to assassinate Putin for him

Until it is published it is meaningless really, Israel isn't exactly trustworthy on the matter.

>anglos are trustworthy

Secret files you say

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Considering Trump's position on the Iran Deal and Iran itself, I would say it's far from meaningless. If this turns out to be true (and Trump will be eager to believe that it is), it will be a big deal. France will be pushed to action too considering what Macron said just the other day in his address to congress:
>Iran shall never possess any nuclear weapons. Not now. Not in five years. Not in 10 years. Never.

Rush Limbaugh is shilling for war with iran right now

I don't even care for Israel and for whatever the fuck it is they do but trump is still gonna draft me and send me over there to help them hahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha FUCK

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Why do we want WW3 to happen so much? It didn't happen with Syria, it didn't happen with NK, it won't happen here either.

>ww3 starts
>nato has its hands full
>turkey attacks greece
>greek refugees too white and so too priviledged
>civil wars in the rest of europe start a purity spiral, suddenly greek refugees are not white enough
>no home to return to unlike the other ""refugees""

because Varg made me spend a lot of money on survivalism stuff and I donìt want to waste my money

Because my whole family is pushing me and blackmailing me into wagecucking and Im not able to massacre them for it without ww3 chaos keeping making the law irrelevant.

I hope iran nukes the shit of the kikes.

Why not just accept turkish rules ? You're basically turkish anyway.


I will travel to Palestine to defend it from Jews and their circumcised American puppets if war happens

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>implying I wont be conscripted to get myself killed before that happens and so ill have to evade draft and become a refugee
But suit yourselves, if you want us to seal the deal and become turks why not? Whites lose more ground yet again lol.

Al mawt li Israel

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because losers feel the need to be relevant
think of your washed-up superstar

oh boi
here we go!

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I hope China is not memeing with their quantum radar.
How orgasmic it would be if they sold some of them to Iran.

I hope Trump doesn't bust a George Bush

holy shit 55 gorillion pages of material thats some serious stuff

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imagine the middle east and europe teaming up to remove kosher and burger

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You don't even understand the magnitude to which we're fucked. Netanyahu is being investigated for corruption. If we go to war he'll save his skin. tl;dr IT'S HAPPENING

Im praying to based sky fairy jesus that the kikes and mudslimes nuke each other into oblivion.

You have been saying that for months you fucking kikes. When is the happening going to happen?

>Netanyahu is being investigated for corruption

Tell us more user.