
I hate myself edition

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>President voices fears about teaching of history in schools at book launch
History was never optional for the Junior Cert (not sure what the lads in the previous thread were talking about), but it's becoming optional in September. That's what Michael D meant when he lamented it no longer being a "core" Junior Cert subject.

Music sweet music,
I wish I could caress, caress, caress.
Manic Depression is a frustrating mess.

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I think he wants to communicate and converse but either lacks the social skills or feels too insecure about himself to do so without playing a character.
His arguments don't make any sense and he struggles to explain them when pressed. The fact that nobody accepts or understands them and yet he repeats them anyway would suggest he's reaching the desired outcome each time so the stuff he posts probably doesn't mean anything to him either, it's just a plea for contact.

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>tfw no mental issues waifu

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Reminder to eat plenty of fibre so you will have nice healthy bowel movements.

how many points did you get in your cert? and be honest

They were right, technically only English, Maths, CSPE and Irish without an exemption are compulsory. Check it on citizens information.
History, Geography and Science are part of a set of core subjects that are seen as de-facto compulsory and are taught in every school but you don't actually have to sit any of those papers to pass your JC.


Lads serious question is it gay if I buy a prostate massager?

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>implying I remember how many points I got

Buy? No.
Use? Yes.

How many did you get?

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Would like to watch Monogatari but I have little time during the week with work. NEETs have it too easy

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>seen as de-facto compulsory
Then what Department of Education guideline is changing to make them non-compulsory if they were never compulsory in the first place?

Extremely. You should to Confession for even having such thoughts.

>Not watching anime at work
Although Monogatari is so dialogue heavy and nuanced it'd need full attention.

>Would like to watch Monogatari
Monogatari is great fun, but it's not for everybody. Just start with Bake and see if you like it.

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>Then what Department of Education guideline is changing to make them non-compulsory if they were never compulsory in the first place?
It's a curriculum change to bring in wellbeing classes and reduce the time and focus spent on languages, science, history and geography.
I think they were always just guidelines rather than requirements and it seems the current controversy is towards those subjects being downgraded from the top bracket.

>wellbeing classes
"Today we're going to talk about our feeeeeeeeeeeelings"

>she will never be my gf
Anyone got good suicide tips?

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>tfw nothing to look forward to
>no change
In school and college it was always possible to look forward to the next set of holidays. What is there to look forward to in adult life? What is there to count down to?

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Anime and death.

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Large sporting events mate. That's why the they exist. Don't tell me you were dooped with the 'sports are for normies' meme. They exist for a reason.

Come on sportsteam! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH lol

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>tfw even counting down the Christmas doesn't hold any meaning or excitement anymore

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That's why early adulthood is such a depressing time, you have to reach an understanding of what motivates you and learn to set your own goals. I find it mostly revolves around buying things.

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>you have to reach an understanding of what motivates you and learn to set your own goals
This is where I really struggled (and still am struggling) in making the transition to adulthood.

>I find it mostly revolves around buying things.
That's doesn't really do anything for me anymore.

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I think it bottoms out in your early 20s and you start appreciating it for what it actually is instead of getting depressed that it no longer feels magical and exciting.

>I think it bottoms out in your early 20s
That didn't happen for me.

>you start appreciating it for what it actually is
Which is?

>Which is?
The comforting nature of a familiar tradition associated with warm childhood memories.
Also time off work, nice food, time with family and an excuse to spend money frivolously.

I see. My Christmases aren't like that at all.

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>That's doesn't really do anything for me anymore.
There must be something keeping you going or you'd have taken the long walk by now.

Goodnight /éire/.

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It helps that my siblings don't come home for Christmas day anymore so I don't have to deal with new parts of the family and traditions being changed.
But I'm sure that day will come.

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Why are late past-midnight walks so atmospheric and bittersweet?

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I love the night air and a starry sky but I keep getting spooked whenever I try going for a walk this late. Too many strange noises around.

Run and tell all of the angels
This could take all night
Think I need a devil to help me get things right
Hook me up a new revolution
'Cause this one is a lie
We sat around laughing and watched the last one die

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