Romanian culture

>Romanian culture

Attached: am-vorbit-cu-romanii-care-au-intrat-in-cartea-recordurilor-ca-sa-aflu-la-ce-le-foloseste-712-body-im (1000x750, 165K)

what's your culture?

Attached: p1040148[1].jpg (4000x2248, 2.91M)

Romaniscum are not Romanian people

>Romanian EU migrants aren't romanian

Romanian culture is great though

Attached: romanian-kids-celebrating-traditions-national-dress-summer-camp-european-holidays-gura-humor-monaste (800x533, 155K)

t. Bobby Ceausescu

they are gypsies, unless you consider the migrants

>swedish niggers arent actually swedish? cannot be


every time

Those are gypsies, Björn

i don't get it, what is this?

I think it's an onion braid.

I have literally, LITERALLY never seen a gypsy that didn't look 100% identical to these pieces of shi*

So... why are those onions on the street?

From romania


I thought they were benis at first
every culture have some bizarre shit that may appear weird to the people who are not part of it

would you ever fuck a gypsy?

Maybe, but that has nothing to do with Romanians (see OP post).

But that’s the joke, Pimpi

Not only are gypsies not Romanian, but they're not even European
They are literally Indians

so this is what ardeleniggers do for fun

Kys gypsy