Failing second years of college in a row

>Failing second years of college in a row
>Missed two important classes in two weeks
>Teacher sent me a message saying she wants to talk this Friday
I fucked up again, what the fuck is she going to tell me? And what the fuck am I going to say.
I just want to drop off college and get a job, I'm tired of being a leach.i don't know what the fuck to do, I don't want to go back home like a failure. I did pretty well the first year of college, extremely well. But after that it's been failure after failure, I just can't do anything right and I feel like shit.
Has anyone gone through something similar?

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I fucked up the first part, this would be the second time I fuck up the second year of my career

I'm studying IT and even though its first year and pretty easy i just don't have any motivation to do assignments already. Also I've had about 3 conversations the entire time because you just turn up to the 1-2 classes and day and go home. All the clubs are shit. Campus is pretty much empty.
I don't give a fuck about coding or getting around on a command line. Its like having nails pulled just doing generic work let alone all the extra shit you'll have to do to compete in an over saturated labour market full of pajeets and Changs.
I just want to have a job that i do to earn some money so i can be self-sufficient and learn about the world as much as i can. I don't even really want a family because its just shooting yourself in the foot at this point.

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This is literally what I feel, everytime I open a book and try to read through one page I feel like shit, I just don't like it. And the job part too, i want to support myself and to not have to ask my family for money everytime I want to do something

Honestly you should go for a more pratical course(if you're in a very theorical one).I got this realization while I was doing a test and though:''Why am I doing over over 100 tests over the course of 3 years with information that I will probably forget by the end of my bachelors?''.So I enrolled into a more pratical course(ain't disclosing it here) and had so much more fun since most tests were pratical and you didn't have to study like 10% of what you used to need.Also even if it pays less the area I am in has much higher employability.

I think I'm going to quit college this year and get a job while I think what to do the next year. It's not like I turn around my situation

If you don't mind me asking, why'd you miss two weeks worth of classes in the first place? That's a long time to skip a class, especially an important one.

we are a group of 8 students with a teacher and I didn't study anything for both classes and to avoid making a fool of myself i skipped the them

are you fucking retarded?

What are you studying and why did you lose motivation to go to class?

is all your shit online?
Mine is so it makes it really easy to justify not going. Also when theres one which goes for 3 hours where its an indian lady slowly walking you through an hour of work in a freezing over air conditioned room i just can't fucking deal with it.

I know it sounds retarded but I don't know that the fuck is wrong with me, the first year I had a blast, I just couldn't stop reading my books. But after that I just couldn't even bring myself to touch them. I failed last year and I thought I'd do better this one but I was wrong.
I think I might be depressed but it's my fault I guess, I can't go to the psychologist without my family suspecting something's wrong with me. They already think something's wrong with me.

>is all your shit online?
They probably don't have this option in many Argentine unis yet if at all.

Medicine and I wish I knew. I feel like shit, have no friends, everyone but my mom and my sister are shit. My dad is probably the person I hate the most, nothing I do is enough for him.

Not for my careers, we do have a website for some of the subjects but I didn't register. I think that might be one of the reasons my teacher wants to have a word with me.

Hang in there man. If you have to take a break from college to recollect yourself then do it. It's better to fail a couple of classes and pick yourself up than to just give up entirely

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Thanks user, as I said that's what I might do. I'll look for a job to avoid being a meet for the rest of this year. Hope I get everything sorted out.

No problem user. Do what you have to do to make it out there, just don't kill yourself with stress in the process.

I did the same thing for the exact same reason.

>Has anyone gone through something similar?

you will make it breh, you have loads of time.
just try and relax and calm down, getting a job and idling for a year is a great idea to sort yourself out, even being a NEET for a year, just dont fall into the trap of staying inactive for too long.

>have the opportunity going to college/university
>"I can't get myself to learn :("
>"I don't like it :("
>...but I want this degree!

Fucking pussies. University is a CHOICE. If you can't bring yourself to even show up or study on your own(), just get the fuck out. How miserable can you be knowing that (1) you have a chance to change your life drastically (2) have the option basically RIGHT NOW but you're such a sissy that can't eat shit for a while to get the results you want. Why even bother then. Make some place for someone taking his life and his ambitions seriously.

It's basically just show up, sit down after class and study.

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Is college university or is it the thing in between. I always get confused.

First year here. Honestly, I'm nearly done with my classes with almost perfect score. I'm super fucking lazy, and it's incredibly hard to force myself to study; this leads to me postponing everything until the very last days and then literally study, do work for 12 hours a day for 3 days straight. When I do bust my ass like that, I feel SO ALIVE. So fucking good, when I go to sleep knowing I completed like 2 months worth of work in one day, even knowing I'll have to do it again the day after.

Anyone feel like this? If so, is it possible to just become a robot for the rest of your life and work 12 hours a day on things? I feel like it would turn someone into a millionaire

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My dear Germanbro. I love you and agree with you entirely