Blockfolio thread. Do like do you hate it? Rate and get rater

Blockfolio thread. Do like do you hate it? Rate and get rater.

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Looks comfy. No scamcoins like link or verge. Here's mine.

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If u niggers want a tip, but ELEC asap

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why do u hold so many tron

rate mine senpaitachi

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Way too diversified

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fuck these threads. i told some faggot back in Jan his 99% ripple portfolio was going to crash and burn and all I got back were insults!

How's that 99% ripple poorflio doing for you now faggot user!?

P.S. Y'all are faggots.

Cause I got em at 7 Satoshi. I'm up big and no way I lose by holding unless the platform fails entirely. Either way didn't spend much on it. So either its gonna be worth lots in a year or so or no big loss for me. Your port may be spread too thin.

chad reporting in

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Bitrift is better tho?

Is wan going to be worth it?

For sure

You never gonna make it

Im ok with not masking it, got a good education. My laptop just broke down, so just need money for a new one

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> (OP)
>Looks comfy. No scamcoins like link or verge. Here's mine.

>No scamcoins

what about that tron you have there

how is that pure masternode treating you

Can you explain your total? Is that 50 cents or what the fuck am I looking at ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

0.5 btc. I use Lego money, so btc is the Only thing that matters

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>han bruker ikke norske kroner
Hvorfor har du så mye btc når du leker med vekslepenger?

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Vi kan jo ikke alle stjæle olie fra vores naboer

It doesn't matter if I like my port or not because there's such a small chance of making it it's not worth the sweat

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So many nolinkers ITT

Godt å se en felles Link kamerat.

Hva er planen når link når 7 700kr ved slutten av året?


This thread is sad. Lots of losers about to lose it all.

enlighten everyone here with your wisdom

damn, betting the house on WAN it seems. did you get all of your stack in ICO? you're gonna make it.

i mean...i don't know half of your coins. shill me on the best one of them? are you against hedging a bit with a better shitcoin ?

mirin' the XMR stack, dude.

here's mine anons. making it for me is $170-80K due to being eastern europoor.

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that is a solid chadfolio marine, I feel like I've seen it posted already in the last month or so. link $1000eoy

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You have. I don't bother updating it because what is really the point going through the hassle

Holding REQ but no LINK

Literally retarded

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you've already made it senpai. remember that thought with every step you take and every menial task you make. kek is watching you.

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