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its a shit coin that is is a normie scam, the banks will not be using XRP, anyone who thinks differently plz kys

Kek. FUD this coin all you want. Its showing what it means to have a legitimate multinational company backing and developing for your coin. Going to #1 either this year or next.

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welcome to the xrp hate club

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Partnership with Chainlink and Santander

It pumped really high and now its pulling back to consolidate. What do you mean whats going on here?

Oh boi i hate to say it... BUT btc whales losing influence on XRP ;)
they get weak ;) ;)

Crashed 90% from ath, cripple holders have been silent for a while. Santander even said they arent using actual ripple, just piggybacking off the chain.
It also goes against everything crypto stands for so holders cant expect much love from Jow Forums

T. XMR holder

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Yea their days are numbered and they know it. This year.

it just follows BTC!

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Gotta buy 'em all

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absolute shitcoin
jew scam
shit jew scam
scammy jew scam
shit scam

Koreans are still heavy on this scam

We know. We bought it anyway.

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bought in at 50 cents. fuck it, its gonna go up. deal with it.

And what no one is telling you
December xrp 0.20 now 0.60
Btc December 20k now 8 k LOLLLLLL

Just bought 100k

thank us later

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this asshole

Bump for visibility.

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I just bought 20k. Wish me luck anona


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Good luck! We're all gonna make it brahs!

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