Why do people even compare these two regions? one is a history filled region with two global powers present shaping the world around them while the other is an irrelevant shithole
Why do people even compare these two regions...
>one is a history filled region with two global powers present shaping the world around them while the other is an irrelevant shithole
You mean Mexico and Brazil right? Remember that those countries have much bigger economies than any country in the MENA
Roses are red
Violets are blue
MENA is full of muslims
So it's a shithole too
Yes, the superpowers of Yemen and Somalia
Iran, KSA, Isreal have more influence in the world.
Mexico and Brazil have large populations.
>Iran, KSA, have more influence in the world.
Who the fuck cares? Give me a latina gf already-____-
that's just because countries in MENA tend to chimp out and like to go to war with each other
In comparison, countries in Latin America are very pacific when it comes to international affairs
Why do you faggots constantly take the bait? Just because your last name is Matamoros doesn’t mean you’re a fucking crusader. This is one of the most pathetic, delusional, and retarded “rivalries” I’ve ever seen on this board.
because this board is about taking baits.