Anyone else agree with me on this?
Honestly, I can only find white people attractive, and I'm not even white myself.
Is this self-hatred?
It is not even about the skin color, not really.
It's just that all the other races have really unappealing facial features.
I'm not saying that all whites are good looking, what I'm saying is that only white people CAN be good looking.
Only white people look good
Blake Gutierrez
Anthony Price
Christopher Ramirez
Nathan Nguyen
Jeremiah Martin
>Is this self-hatred?
Yes, but you're not alone. It's not rare at all in latino shitholes
Jonathan Reed
Wyatt Cruz
Adrian Clark
how do i stop self hating?
i think it's because i'm mixed myself
lots of mixed people hate themselves
Easton Kelly
Gavin Hernandez
Why do Other Races Idolise us?
They either get overly admirable & Respectful over us (Asians) or Tsundere as fuck (blacks)
All the while trying to look as much like us as possible.
>Inb4 >Irish >White