1. your country
2. your main programming language.
3. do you like it? or you just do it for money?
Do you know programming user?
I don't mind it
Python is very cool user! my friend work doing websites with it and earn $900 dollars a month.
I know Python
fuck Python
cool, what have you made in it?
xd which one you use? and for what you use it?
1 - Flag
2 - C# and ABAP (A not-so-kown language used by the SAP ERP)
3 - C# is ok, easy to learn, read and maintain, pretty much like Java. ABAP is 'meh'
I'm trying to learn C++, even though there's not a lot of jobs for it here. It's really different from managed languages I'm used to. I'm liking it, but unless you use a lot of 3rd party libraries you gonna spend a fuckton of time writing everything from the ground up.
It was a meme on Russian /pr/, so I learned it.
I never programmed for money.
Visual Basic and some macros for Microsoft excel.
Other languages (?) are only for those countries where people can’t afford to buy Microsoft office license.
>Not working yet but I like it, of course I want to get paid too
Not sure.
3.Yes, I do it for free.
1. Flag
2. C (I mainly do electronics stuff)
3. I like it, I'm still finishing my studies so I don't get paid for it
Can I get a programming job that pays well and lets you travel? Not as in required by job but working remotely like a digital nomad. So I can just find a coffeeshop that has WiFi whenever I need to do work.
1. Ecuador
2. Ladder/FDB
3: I like it and earn money :)
Ladder is a language for PLC programming
I was studying law but it was fucking shit i dropped out and now i want to study programming, will i get good money for this?
ofc you can, apply in american startups online, most of them hire remote programmers because is cheaper! also, freelancer.com
good luck user, i hope you find something
yes, if you´re good at this you will get good money.
Tengo un amigo italiano que hizo un curso de 5 meses en Firenze y cuando salio entro en una empresa poronga, le pagan 1000 euros por mes... date una idea de lo que puede a llegar alguien ue sepa mas y este mas tiempo.
1. japan
2. java, javascript(angular5, node), haskell
3. yup I don't like programming for company. but I like programming for my hobby.
Angular o React?? i ended learning Node,Mongo and express and i don`t know if continue with angular o react... any advice?
angular have everything to make SPA.
so Angular. but I think Vue and React are also good.
I know about PLC programming, very useful for a job in industry, is cool for you
1. yes
2. javascript
2. i like it (i also like the money)
my degree is in french, but i taught myself web development a few years ago and eventually moved on to more interesting stuff
Does this digital nomad idea seem like a serious way of life to you, is it viable
I do Javascript at work, but my passion is still Lisp. I'm writing a fractal map generator for D&D and shit in SBCL right now.
1. Flag
2. Mainly R, Java, and a bit of Python.
3. Yes I like. I enjoy putting new albums on and programming. There's no money for me right now. I didn't get an internship this summer. I'm a failure.
1) Ukraine
2) c++, haskell
3) its my hobby, i do this not for money
1. flag
2. java/C#
3. I like it when I don't have to fiddle with legacy code and configuration issues due to javaEE's bullshit
2. C++, C#
3. I love it
>t. former CD Projekt programmer (The Witcher 3)
1. Flag
2. C#
3. Hobby but got burnt out after getting basics down due to not knowing where to go from there or having anything to apply my current skills to. Still somehow more proficient than CS grads