Americans, explain this

Americans, explain this.

Attached: 15253977653720.jpg (1007x1224, 514K)

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Looks better

I'm more wondering about South Korea.
Does even North Korea knows about it?

>Canada is so americanized they do it too

Attached: 1433972164258.png (1576x1591, 2.15M)

>Australia and Canada

There's no source for this data. Not that I'm arguing against it but how did they actually find these numbers?
Pro tip: it's a bs map made by a Jow Forumstard.

Gotta love that dark green Italy
It's a shitty graph indeed

I just want to be a good goy ivan

Attached: 1481954707022.png (1425x727, 463K)

It's part of American culture. They probably adopted it after WW2.

Бaйтишь кaк пpиeбaлт кaкoй-тo тбх

In the discussion about our circumcision ban, there was an Icelander that had a kid born in the USA, didn't want him circumcised and literally got into arguments with all doctors he took his kid to in the USA that said his kid MUST be circumcised until he moved back to Iceland.... WTF! Fucking disturbing.

Attached: 1523539179235.png (480x502, 270K)

no it really doesn't look better it looks like acdry shriveled mushroom with scars and discolorations.

its a huge business

It was an old anglo thing the middle class did and we're all pretty much middle class so it became a thing. Luckily it's fallen off a cliff and hardly anybody gets it done anymore.

Doctors will take money for circumstation, Then lubricant producers will take money from poor guy for ability to masturabte.

El Orco...

Attached: uruk-hai_1525422333051.jpg (576x534, 62K)

And they sell the foreskin for medical products

God bless america!

Attached: circumise it.jpg (943x1150, 387K)

someone post the real map

El polla mutilada...

No it doesn't.

If your cunt isn't dark green that you are a subhuman